Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

The Easiest Thing You'll Ever Be Asked To Do!

Do you wish you had more time to volunteer? More money to give to charities? That helping others could be just a bit easier?

While we're living far better than most places, Mom was right when she said, "Money doesn't grow on trees"; there isn't always enough left in the wallet to help as much as we'd like. And let's face it life is busy; sometimes helping those less fortunate doesn't make it onto today's To Do List.

Wouldn't it be great if as you went about your day, without even needing to think, you could help the issues you care about? Like every time you used the Internet to search for information... or anytime you shopped on-line. Guess what.... just use goodsearch.com and goodshop.com and that's exactly what happens.

Here’s how it works:
Goodshop.com works with more than 2,500 stores (including Target, Apple, Petsmart etc.) Every time you purchase something, a percentage will be donated to your favorite charity! And, they offer coupons and free shipping offers so you can save money at the same time. It’s win win.

GoodSearch is a Yahoo powered search engine which makes a donation to your favorite charity each time you do a search. Each search may only generate a penny or two.... but how many Internet searches do you do in a year?

It all adds up… so far Goodsearch's community impact is more than $7 million...and it only takes seconds to get started.

My charity of choice is Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County. If you want to help DVRC, raise money for our mission, just click the “Become a Supporter” button on our profile page here!

If you wish to support a different nonprofit go to goodsearch.com, name the charity of your choice and start making an impact for your favorite cause!

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