Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

How To Lose Fat Naturally

There are 100's of ways to burn fat, lose fat, dissolve fat, and fat suction, for all of them to work well or at all. There are many supplements, drugs, surgical procedures, diets and more that aren't actually helpful and can be harmful. In this Hi-tech modern world we live in a very fast paced environment, where we do not have time to know the nutritional value of the foods we consume and we do very little research on our health conditions.


Since we are so busy at work there is no scheduled food consumption. We have food at parties and gatherings, we have food at hotels, takeaways, we eat at road side fast food stalls and finally all this over calorific unhealthy food takes its toll on the day we turn into a plumy potato-man putting on lots of body fat turning us into an unfit individual, it’s too tough to cook a calorie wise meal rather than consuming a high calorie fast food. But one should know that a hamburger with 17 gm fat contains 2000 calories that will take 500 minutes of walking to spend all the calories. 

Whenever we are hungry we eat any food that is easily available. We are in such a hurry that we seldom care to learn whether the food we are consuming has enough nutritional value or if it is a balanced diet with proper concentration of essential elements required by our body. If we want to have any amount of weight loss we will have to pay attention to what we are eating and engage in some form of physical activity. There are some simple natural ways to burn fat that don't involve cutting, sucking, or anxiety from stimulants.

You can consult nutritionists, doctors or even online calculators to calculate your recommended weight and calorie intake according to your age and height. Next you should use a caloric counter that will inform you about the amount of calories certain foods have in them. Now keep a record of the foods consumed. This may further help you plan a body fat loss diet. Now calculate how much you are over your ideal body weight. Keep in mind that 1 kg contains about 7000 calories. So this will help you calculate the total overweight of your body.

We can lose weight by consuming the body fat loss diet with recommended caloric value and regular exercise. It will not only burn off the extra calories but also help to keep you slim. Health conscious people must maintain a regular exercise plan and must adjust their exercise routine for the early morning. This is the best time of exercising because the body uses the stored up fat in the body.
Exercise In The Morning on An Empty Stomach This is almost like cheating as far as burning fat goes. When you wake up, your body has been using the food you ate the past day for energy during the night. So, your blood sugar levels are lower in the morning, and there isn't any energy "at hand." So, your body will dig straight into the fat reserves for energy during workout and continues the process for next hour approximately. So postpone the breakfast one hour after exercise routine.

Next, as a diet plan, you must have a body fat loss diet containing one item each of protein, carbohydrate and fat six times a day rather than three. These are the key to lose weight, body fat and remain healthy and lead a fit life.

Most of us consume too much salt in our diets. Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure and lead to other health problems. Try to limit sodium intake to 1,500 to 2,300 mg per day, the equivalent of one teaspoon of salt.
  • Avoid processed or pre-packaged foods. Processed foods like canned soups or frozen dinners contain hidden sodium that quickly surpasses the recommended limit.
  • Be careful when eating out. Most restaurant and fast food meals are loaded with sodium.
  • Opt for fresh or frozen vegetables instead of canned vegetables.
  • Cut back on salty snacks such as potato chips, nuts, and pretzels.
  • Choose low-salt or reduced-sodium products.
  • Try slowly reducing the salt in your diet to give your taste buds time to adjust
Don't Eat Too Many Carbs or Fat, Especially at Night I am not promoting any low carb or low fat diet! Your body needs carbs for energy. And there are a lot of good fats out there. However, I've found that a majority of people's calories come from "empty calories." Things like soda, frap whatevers (sugary fatty coffee drinks), chips, cookies, etc. I once knew of someone that was on a strict eating diet, but wasn't losing weight. He drank about 8 sodas a day! Thats a lot of empty calories! Finally, don't eat either high fat or high carb foods within about 2-3 hours of going to bed. Your body will end up storing most of it. Just like early morning exercise digs into fat and burns it, eating high carb or fat foods late at night goes straight to the fat reserves. So, just curb your empty calorie intake, not completely remove it.

    Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

    BULLY at the Saratoga Film Forum

    I’m really committed to community level change. So many of our prevention efforts focus on helping individuals to make changes, but I think working to get communities to make changes is far more effective. So last night I was thrilled to be sitting in a room with 40 people of all ages who attended the Saratoga Film Forum’s showing of the film BULLY. All these people were there because they want to find solutions to this critical problem that affects our schools.

    There are two more chances to see the film this weekend. Make time… go see it! It’s a powerful insider’s view of how bullying affects our youth. As an adult, the big wake-up call for me was hearing from youth (those in the movie as well as local youth who attended the discussion panel after the movie) that kids don’t trust that if they tell adults about bullying that we’ll do anything to help (and sometimes they feel that way because of experience). If I took nothing away from the movie, it’s that a kid being bullied is so vulnerable and we  adults need to  listenbetter and act. This isn’t a pretty topic, so at times the movie is graphic.... and heart wrenching.  I saw some parents attended with their kids; what a great way to really open those lines of communication about what happens when our kids aren't with us; let's face it, that's most of their waking hours. I also spoke with couples who attended together. They said the movie really got them having an in-depth conversation about this subject. Great! And I also heard that some local schools are encouraging their teachers to watch the movie, because they want to do more to eliminate harassment and discrimination in our schools.
    After each showing, there’s a panel discussion. Last night a courageous 8th grader told the intensely personal story about how it felt to be bullied and cyber-bullied throughout 7th grade.  Another  eight grader has been working toward social change by assisting in creating anti-bullying messages in his school. I wish I could attend again tonight as the panel will be presenting anti-bullying strategies.
    It’s a busy weekend for everyone, but carve out a couple of hours this weekend to attend BULLY. It will make a difference for a child right here in our community.

    Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

    Saratoga Springs City Center Goes Purple... Why?

    Saratoag Springs City Center goes purple for Domestic Vioelnce Awareness Month

    One quick look in my closet and it’s clear I’m partial to the color purple. Why? Purple has long symbolized the effort to end abuse in relationships, standing for courage, honor and survival. October is a time to raise awareness of domestic violence – to get everyone talking about “purple” as a way to open a conversation about domestic violence, and to let victims know they’re not alone.
    Each year, DVRC organizes a Color ME Purple awareness campaign. When I alone wear purple . I look like a woman who likes the color purple. But when many people wear purple: purple dresses, purple ties, purple scarves, purple awareness ribbons… it makes a statement. It conveys that this is a community that cares about safe relationships.  Throughout October I encounter people who say, "I’m wearing purple today"; and more importantly  they’re talking about why they’re wearing purple. It's heartwarming to how much our community cares about ending realtionship abuse.
    But I was blown away when two nights ago I saw a really big purple statement. I was leaving work at 7:30 and the City Center was magnificently illuminated in purple. WOW! Now that’s Color ME Purple!
    And later this month on October 30, the City Center is the location of DVRC’s 30th anniversary recognition event, where we’ll be honoring 2 individuals and 2 organizations that have had a transformational impact on DVRC throughout the agency’s 30 year history. Look for more posts in the next 2 weeks about these amazing supporters.

    And please  join us for our 30thanniversary event:

    Leadership Saratoga
    Soroptimist International of  Saratoga County
    Saratoga County Assistant District Attorney Lyn Murphy
    Home Instead's NYS Senior Heroes 2012 Awardee Katharine Winderlin
    Tuesday, October 30, 2012
    6:00pm - 8:30pm
    Saratoga Springs City Center
    We hope you'll join us to honor the dedication of all those who have assisted victims of domestic and sexual abuse AND share in our vision to reach and earlier serve all friends, neighbors, family members, and coworkers in need of our help.  
    Complimentary hors d'oeuvres and beverages
    Tickets are $75 per person; $35 of each ticket is tax deductible
    RSVP to DVRC  518-583-0280
    October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Wear your PURPLE. Help us END domestic violence in Saratoga County.




    Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

    When Teaching Our Kids Isn't Enough

    In the wake of the Sandusky conviction, I think we all have to shake our heads in disbelief that children could be used and violated in such a way by someone in whom we placed such trust. That Sandusky founded his charity Second Mile, with a mission to help at-risk kids, but instead preyed upon these vulnerable children is appalling. Unfortunately, all too often sex offenders who prey upon children aren’t the villainous masked stranger we’d expect. They are often well known to the parents, respected, and trusted. They use this trust and easy access to the kids to groom them (i.e. prey on the child’s vulnerabilities and ‘pave the way’ before sexually violating them).  In a  study  :
    ·46% of sexual predators were family members
    · 48% were well known to the family (friend of parent 26%, trusted person in authority such as clergy, teacher, coach 22%), but a mere
    · 5% were strangers. (Huot 1999)
    Sexual predators are often rational and calculating in how to gain parental trust and access to the child. Historically we’ve focused our prevention efforts on educating children (e.g. good touch/bad touch programs.) Studies indicate that these strategies are insufficient: 
    ·“Most children do not know, remember or feel empowered to try prevention strategies.”
    ·Child focused sex abuse prevention should be our “last focus of prevention.”
    ·We need to “make prevention a national priority where the burden of safety is shifted from children to adults.“  (Kaufman et al 1999)

    Sexual abuse of children; it’s something we don’t even want to imagine… but it happens. For more information onwhat parents can do to keep their children safe