Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Difficult to slim? can so his problems there is in the brain

Difficult to slim? can so his problems there is in the brain
The dilemma of most people on this era is they are easy to add weight but difficult to drop him back and cause of this phenomenon is still be a mystery. But according to a new study, this condition is caused by the brains of people who are experiencing overweight experiencing certain changes.

For this study researchers studying some mice that experiencing obese so that they could find a link between the performance of the brain with the habits of excessive eating and obesity. The result, in the obese rats found the existence of an increase in the number of nerve endings CB1 receptors or cannabinoid, especially in parts of the brain that usually inhibits the release of orexin, a peptide compound that makes a person feel hungry.

As a result, the body produces more many of endocannabinoids that makes a person constantly feel hungry. According to one of researcher, Ken Mackie, the endocannabinoid system is one of the neurochemical systems in charge of organizing of appetite in the brain. This system containing a number of receptors and chemical compounds are suspected to be similar with marijuana (is addictive).

"When we are experiencing weight gain, changes occur in cells giver signaling, that exist in the hypothalamus so that they will be releasing orexin. Unfortunately with the existence of this orexin, the brain tells to the body in order that eat more many again, instead of asking the body to maintain body weight healthy, "said Mackie, which also a professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.

In addition, a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of this Sciences is also found the existence of increased levels of the hormone regulator of sense hungry is called leptin when the person concerned are obese.

"Whereas, when hormone levels are escalate in the long periods of time then the brain cells become less so sensitive to various weight loss efforts that is done by people are relevant. This conditions also contribute to the higher the release of orexin from the brain," said Mackie.

So what should be done when facing this kind of situation?
1. If you feel difficulty to stop eating because of hungry, choose foods that are glut. For example, vegetables, popcorn that containing the fiber and continue to drink water in order to always hydrated.

2. Consider to joining with a community which struggling overcome excessive eating habits (overeating). Can also with search for friends who are equally trying to diet.

3. Make a target and say to yourself about the importance of reducing food consumption on your health. If you relapse again today, reducing only, your food intake the next day.

4. Rush to lose weight if you are caught experiencing adding about 2-3 pounds with reducing calorie intake and add exercise levels. Procrastinating diet program, will make you more difficult to lose weight because of the occurrence of changes in the brain which found this study.

5. Do not snack or eat in the night day. Conversely, if you eat breakfast in the morning thing it will relieve your night snacking habits.

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