Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Obese can also because of excessive sugar consumption

Obese can also because of excessive sugar consumption
Excessive sugar consumption, especially if not balanced with fiber consumption and physical activity, of course would be impact is not good for health. In the long term, these conditions can raises sugar metabolism disorders up to the cellular level. 

Which of course will have an impact on the condition of certain organs in the body. Thus described by Dr. Mahesa Paranadipa, MH, the Supervisory Board of Echo Conscious Nutrition Foundation. In addition, "excessive sugar intake is not needed by the body will be stored as body fat reserves," added Dr. Prawita Tirta Sari, MSc, Sp.GK., Chairman of the Foundation for Conscious Nutrition Society Movement.

So, the actual not consumption of excess fat only, which become the problem of obesity. Intake of sugar or excessive carbohydrates can also accumulating fat in the body. Based on the biochemical mechanisms of the body, every excess intake of carbohydrates will be stored as fat. Therefore be clear, excess carbohydrates plays a role in the occurrence of obesity.

Interestingly, obesity is not just happening in the high socioeconomic group. But also in lower socioeconomic groups. Even according to Dr. Tirta, waist circumference in both groups also not far different. This condition occurs because fulfillment the needs of carbohydrate for lower socioeconomic groups is not a difficult thing. This nation familiar with the pattern of high consumption of carbohydrates.

Eat with rice of full plate with a bit of a side dish become picture that is often found. Satisfying on taste of hungry is met through increased carbohydrate intake. Not with fat moreover quality of protein.

In addition to carbohydrate intake, changes in life pattern of urban communities with physical activity which many reduced and habits of "coffee" or consume sweet drinks become other problems. No need deep pockets to familiarize yourself drinking sweet coffee or sweet tea in the afternoon or during a visit to the homes of relatives.

Day-to-day, not a little from the people who are happy with drink sweet. Maybe, additional of granulated sugar in drinks looks not much. But, when calculated in grams, could be a lot. If one teaspoon is equivalent to five grams of granulated sugar while every 1 gram of sugar is equivalent to 4 calories  then when the consumption of sugar every time you drink coffee or tea is 2 teaspoons then his energy intake be 40 calories.

Now add only, its calories when they are accustomed to consume sweet drinks. Means that the quota already used 80 Kal. This is a minimal intake. Not yet again if consuming of bottled drinks or type of sweet snack that is usually high sugar content.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the intake of simple sugars (such as granulated sugar) should not exceed 10 percent of total energy intake. If the energy intake of 2000 Cal per day then the maximum limit the consumption of simple sugars are 200 Kal or 50 grams (equivalent to 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar).

Well, now try to calculate, how much sugar you consume today? Far below the recommended or even already excessive?

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Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

This natural ways can be relied to prevent cancer

This natural ways can be relied to prevent cancer
Cancer is a deadly disease that haunts many people. Someone who exposed to cancer does not mean adjudged to die. Because in some cases many patients are cured of cancer.

Foods rich in antioxidant during this time believed as nutrients the 'magic' to fight cancer. Well, foods rich in antioxidants such as green tea, garlic, peppers, and fish. Besides it lifestyle to avoid harmful radiation is also believed is way to safe from cancer.

Well, here are simple ways that you can do to avoid from cancer, such as:

1. Reduce sugar intake

Every person has cancer cells in his body. These cancer cells need sugar to grow. Therefore, you need to reduce the intake of sweet things and mealy such as potatoes, rice, and sugar.

2. Stop smoking right now

As written in in the warning labels on cigarette packs, smoking can cause a number of diseases such as impotence and cancer. Smoking can cause cancer because all parts of the body been poisoned. Then it, cancer in smokers is not just in one part of the body only. Cancer in smokers can infect the lungs, throat, and mouth.

3. Green tea

In various research has been proven that green tea can slash cancer risk if consumed regularly. Because green tea have content antioxidants that can fight cancer. But make sure not to add sugar or milk when you drink this tea.

4. Limit alcohol consumption

You probably will not find a direct link between alcohol and cancer. But alcohol abuse can increase the risk of cancer, particularly in women. Women who alcohol drinkers are more susceptible to breast cancer.

5. Organic green vegetables

If your food increasingly near with the natural, then this is good for your health. Green vegetables are free of pesticides will help you fight cancer. From now stop consuming food and drinks preservatives, and increasingly near with the natural nutrients.

6. Reduce red meat

Red meat can trigger bowel cancer. Because red meat have content saturated fat and bad cholesterol.

7. Eating fish

Rather than meat, choose fish to fight cancer. Because the fish has a lot of content omega-3 fatty acid that play a role as a protection from the growth of cancer cells. Do not cook the fish too ripe in order that the nutrients which contained are not lost.

8. Eating peppers

Peppers very recommended to consumed for those at risk, or cancer patients. Because red peppers and yellow rich in lykopene that can help you prevent cancer.

9. Moving & sweat

Do not be afraid to sweat because the sweat helps eliminate toxins from the body. To get a healthy sweat, exercise regularly. No need heavy exercise, walk or run on the treadmill regularly is enough to make you sweat.

10. Eat garlic

Although it smelled somewhat sharp, but garlic is one of the healthiest foods. Because garlic have content to fight cancer and at once increase the body's immunity.

11. Drinking water

Water is the best medicine to cure various diseases. If you do not have a problem with the kidneys, drink water which many. Because drinking water can help remove toxins from the body. With drinking enough water every day, you can cleanse the body system.

12. Use a qualified plastic

Do not use low-quality plastic. Because bad quality plastic will degenerate over time. For it, choose a good quality plastic, or use a container made ​​of glass or metal.

13. Wear a masks

Air pollution is very harmful for health. In some big cities, air pollution the same levels of dangerous it with cigarette smoke. Therefore put on a mask to cover your nose and mouth so that toxins can not freely enter into your body.

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The body less blood? try to increase this nutritions

The body less blood? try to increase this nutritions
Lack of blood or anemia can make the body feels weak and not powered. This condition is very lowers the level of productivity, it can even endanger your life. To prevent this, try to multiply the blood booster nutrients.

Anemia is a condition characterized with the number of red blood cells is decreased in the blood or can also caused by a number of red blood cells that normally exceed.

Every human being has the red blood cells in the millions and even billions of cells in his body. In it, there is hemoglobin that would make human blood is red. Function of hemoglobin is become transport media oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues.

A result of the anemia is transport will be disrupted and the body tissue of sufferer anemia will experiencing lack of oxygen to result in energy. So it is not surprising that symptoms of anemia indicated with feel fast tired, pale, agitated, and sometimes crowded.

There are several types of anemia, such as iron deficiency anemia, vitamin B-12 anemia (pernicious anemia), thalassemia and sickle cell anemia. Many consider anemia occurs because bad nutrient intake and can be repaired or prevented with a healthy diet.

There are some anemia that can be prevented, though not all. For anemia of iron deficiency and vitamin can be prevented with food that includes various vitamins and nutrients. And foods that contain iron and vitamins (folic acid, vitamin B-12, vitamin C).

Here are some healthy nutrients that can prevent you from lack of blood or anemia, such as:

1. Iron substance
Foods that many contain iron among others beef and other meats, beans, lentils, iron-fortified cereals, green leafy vegetables and dried fruit.

2. Folic acid
Foods rich in folic acid such as orange fruits, bananas, green leafy vegetables, beans as well as bread, cereals and pasta enriched folic acid.

3. Vitamin B-12
Sources of vitamin B-12 a good is meat, milk products, some cereals, and soy products, such as soy milk.

4. Vitamin C
Foods rich in vitamin C such as orange fruits, melons and berry fruit, which can help increase iron absorption.

Progress in gene mutation


Nearsightedness – also known as myopia – occurs if the eye is too long or the cornea has too much curvature, which keeps light entering the eye from focusing correctly.
Gene mutation
High-grade myopia, a more severe form of nearsightedness, affects up to two percent of Americans and is especially common in Asian populations.   Individuals with high-grade myopia are at an increased risk for other serious eye problems, including retinal detachment, cataracts and glaucoma, according to the study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics.
Studies suggest that myopia is caused by a combination of environmental factors, such as large amounts of reading, and genetics. Nearsightedness runs in families, but little is understood about genetic factors that cause it.

Researchers have identified gene mutations associated with Myopia or nearsightedness - the most common human eye disease in the world, especially in Asian populations.


Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Potent tips to relieve a migraine or headache which unbearable

Potent tips to relieve a migraine or headache which unbearable
Migraine that never healed, not only make you in pain but also make routine disrupted. Therefore, you need to know how to relieve migraine headache pain in order to quickly lost.

Headache or migraine indeed is not regular headache. This headache generally occurs only on one side of the head. Great pain a result of the migraine will certainly disrupt all your activities. 

For that, you need to know some tips to overcome the pain:

- Consuming the medicine from recipe doctor

Consume a medicine that already recommended is very important. These thing because the dose is in it already adjusted with the condition of your body. Thus, the his usefulness can be directly felt.

- Consuming the medicine causes of the emergence of migraines

As for these thing because of a migraine trigger, it could also because sleep disturbances nor staying up. Thus, if want to eliminate the pain was you can consume antidepressant medication or painkillers.

- Get enough rest

Sleep often help relieve or even eliminate headache on a person because migraine. In addition, enough sleep can also prevent migraine relapse.

- Do not be shy to ask for help

These thing because of a headache during a day nor more, very disturbing your daily activities. So that you do not need to be ashamed to ask for the help of family or friends in order that facilitate affairs that disturbed by migraine previously.

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Do this, your flu will quickly disappear

Do this, your flu will quickly disappear
IMPACT rain that happened lately often make a person exposed to the flu. But you do not need to anxious, there are many ways that you can do to prevent flu attack.

Flu is indeed often considered a disease that is easy to handle. However, all health problems will interfere daily activities. In order that flu you are not getting worse, you need to do early handling to the flu. 

Here are some ways to start handling the flu, such as:

Provide time for a break

Already proven, sleep is indeed the easiest way and potent to help reduce the severity of flu. Because when a person sleep, the body provides the strength needed to fight viruses and bacteria.

Increasing fluid intake

Consuming lots of water is very necessary, this way can liquefy mucus in the throat so that you can breathe more relieved. This also can reduce the risk of dehydration from the flu.

Avoid consume the smoking and alcohol 

Research has been shown that tobacco or smoking during sick the flu will only worsen the condition of the body. Alcohol consumption also you should avoid, in order to the flu is not easy to come back again.

Consume the flu relief medication

When enough sleep and consume a lot of fluids not yet relieve your flu. There is no harm in consume medication to lower your flu. Immediately do check the if the flu is getting worse.

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You... Your Kids... and The Great Escape Lodge Water Park

Take 25... just take 25 minutes to talk to your kids about safety today. 

That's the advice of the National Center  for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Click on the link below as John Kelly, former policeman, school resource officer, and current director of the Saratoga branch of NCMEC, tells why this is so important and about a great opportunity to spend a fun day with the kids this Sunday at the Great Escape Lodge Water Park for a fun and informative family day.