Kamis, 11 April 2013

Heart Diseases increase more in 2013 because of Oily Food

Yesterday we conduct a survey about how much people Heart diseases have and why they get heart disease so more than 40% peoples who are above 40 years old they have heart diseases and they all said they get heart diseases because of Oily food and they never do a single 10 minutes’ walk in a day so today I decide to share this news with you guys.

How to protect our self from Heart Diseases

Heart diseases comes because of Oily foods, not doing any kind of physical exercise and many other factors cause the heart diseases if you want to protect yourself from heart diseases then avoid oily foods and try your best to do 10 to 20 minutes’ walk on daily basis from this way you get your mind and body fresh exercise always make people healthy.
If you avoid oily foods and take exercise on daily basis you will protect yourself from heart diseases and you also protect from other diseases which are present in this world, always love yourself and always care yourself otherwise these oily foods and your unhealthy behavior will destroy your life.
Image Source: Whatisaheartattack.net
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