Senin, 15 April 2013

When Abuse Leaves the Home and Comes to Work

What happens to your staff at home stays there right?  Did you know 21% of US employees experience relationship abuse? Of these, 40% report being harassed while at work. Indeed, 64% of victims report that their work performance is significantly impacted by their situation; they also average 26% more tardiness and absenteeism than those not experiencing abuse.
What would you do if your employee disclosed he/she was abused at home? It's hard enough running a business and addressing the needs of your employees at work. A manager's job gets even harder when an employee's home life impacts their work performance... and can also impact the safety of their co-workers. What can you do?
Cengage Learning, a leading educational services company is working with Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County (DVRC) to help employers make a difference in the lives of their employees, and in their own bottom line. Volunteers from Cengage Learning have created a simple and easily accessible toolkit for employers to use and share with their employees. There are many early warning signs of relationship abuse. And there are easy ways to help. Employers can make a real difference for their employees and for their business.
The toolkit designed by Cengage helps you to focus on running your business. Did you also know that DVRC provides no-cost assistance to employers to help them best respond when domestic violence affects their employees or workplace. Call DVRC at 518-583-0280 to receive the toolkit or to talk with our staff about your concerns.
You can also speak with Cengage and DVRC directly this Wednesday, April 17thfrom 11:30 – 1:30 at the Women in Business Mid-Day Showcase at the Chamber of Southern Saratoga County.

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