Kamis, 18 April 2013

Dangerous animals that his poison can be used for medicine

Dangerous animals that his poison can be used for medicine
Some poisonous animals are considered dangerous to humans are often feared and shunned. But actually, the toxins from the animal could be beneficial for treating several human diseases, the origin is given in the right dose.

There are some medications that have been made ​​with basic ingredients from the deadly animal. Some other poisonous animals are also being studied to be sought the efficacy of her poison so that can be utilized for treating the disease.

These are some of the animals are:

1. Poisonous frogs
Dangerous animals that his poison can be used for medicine
Poisonous frogs
Poisonous frogs secrete a neurotoxin is called batrachotoxin through his pores. This substance does not appear directly from the body, but rather from food eaten. Usually these toxins smeared into arrows for hunting and war.

However, the researchers believe toxic compounds in the frog could be used to treat heart attacks and potentially save lives. Batrachotoxin also potentially be used in anesthesia, however further research is still needed.

2. Scorpion
Dangerous animals that his poison can be used for medicine
These animals use the poison to capture prey, dispels rivals during the breeding season and fight bigger predators. One stings alone can make people experiencing heart failure and lung damage.

Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have found that scorpion toxins could potentially be used to treat brain cancer. When a medicine are made ​​from scorpion venom is injected to the brain cancer patients, poison destroys cancer cells and letting healthy cells.

 3. Shells clam cone
Dangerous animals that his poison can be used for medicine
This clams have a unique colored shells with intricate patterns. These animals have organs resemble arm that equipped with sharp teeth and poisonous. This arm is used to immobilize and kill prey.

The shellfish poison it is called conotoxin. Turns studies have found these toxins could potentially be used as a paregoric that is not make addiction. In 2005, pharmaceutical companies in Ireland, has been marketing the painkillers made ​​of these toxins called Prialt.

 4. Viper snake
Dangerous animals that his poison can be used for medicine
Viper snakes or outburst known to have poison which can be deadly. Unlike with the usual venom, viper venom works the way preventing blood clots. That is, these snakes kill prey with making it death with loss of blood because bleeding.

Thankfully the researchers have found that in small doses, viper venom can prevent hardening of the arterial blood vessel so that can stop blood clots that common experienced by cardiac patients.

 5. Venomous lizards
Dangerous animals that his poison can be used for medicine
Venomous lizards
Venomous lizards native from Mexico and the Southern United States. Toxins from these animal seeping from the teeth to the wound his prey when biting. In humans, his poison can cause pain, nausea, swelling, dizziness and shiver.

It turns out studies found these toxins can stimulate insulin production and slowing the production of glucose or blood sugar. This effect is beneficial for diabetics. Amylin Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly is a company that uses poison of these lizard to make the type 2 diabetes medicine.

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