Selasa, 30 April 2013

Healthy lifestyle and avoid some of these foods if not want to look old

Healthy lifestyle and avoid some of these foods if not want to look old
Fruits for a healthy lifestyle

In a healthy lifestyle, disease can indeed come at any time, do not know who you are and wherever you are. Therefore, preventive measures are the right choice to maintain your health because health is expensive. If you see various diseases that are now frequently attack humans is a disease caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, such as lack of exercise because is too busy with work or because hobby with the food is always instant. Therefore, for the first step you should do is improve your lifestyle and return to a healthy lifestyle and natural.

Healthy lifestyle maybe can reduce the risk of various diseases but not close the possibility any time you can be attacked by the disease. Disease appears not entirely because of the lifestyle, but can be caused by genetic factors and environmental pollution.

In order to stay healthy, there are some healthy lifestyle that you can do. Well, on this occasion we tried to share a little info about healthy lifestyle. Consider the following explanation.

1. Lots of drinking white water
Healthy lifestyle is indeed rather difficult to implement because not a little people who are reluctant to drink white water because it has no taste. However, need you should know that white water is the best drink of all drinks available. Get used to drink about 6-8 glasses of white water a day to maintain healthy kidneys and urinary tract. You can also add a squeeze of lemon juice to help remove toxins in the body.

2. Breathe of fresh air
With a breath of fresh air you mean you maintain lung health. You do not need to go to the mountains or rural areas to get some fresh air. This healthy lifestyle can do to breathe the morning air and you try to spared from polluted air such as cigarette smoke. In addition, you also must constantly maintain the cleanliness of household furnishings, such as electric fan and air conditioning.

3. Sports
Do not be too focused on your work. Take a moment for you refreshing and sports. Because in addition to train the muscles in you body, the sport is also able to reduce fatigue so that you are spared from stress. Healthy lifestyle with exercise is considered the most effective for all people.

Healthy lifestyle and avoid some of these foods if not want to look old
Lately many outstanding cosmetic products as well as supplements that is claimed can delay the aging process or at least disguise the wrinkles on the face. But the actual effectiveness of such products is only temporary.

According to some experts, the best way to maintain healthy skin and ageless is with avoid certain foods that can accelerate the aging process, especially if consumed regularly. Here are 11 tipe of foods that not only cause you to look old but also make you faster aging, such as:

1. Sugar
Excess sugar in the body will stick on collagen and then makes the skin look rigid and not flexible. In a book titled Diet Myths Busted; Nutrition Food Facts Not Fiction written Ann A. Rosenstein explained "This loss of elasticity of young skin, will cause the skin to become wrinkled and make it look old".

2. Trans fat
Similar to sugar, excess fat of trans will also make the skin become stiff and lose flexibility. Rosenstein writes, "Trans fats clog, and make arteries become stiff and narrow the blood vessels which in the end causes the skin to look older."

3. Salt
Because salt can make the body experiencing dehydrated. And if thing it really happening, you become fatigue so that your appearance looks exhausting and creased. In addition, excess salt in the body can also contribute on kidney diseases, high blood pressure and interfere the bone metabolism.

4. Coffee
No different with the salt, coffee and various products caffeinated will also make the body experiencing dehydration and cause you look tired and creased.

5. Candy
Sugar contained in candy causes the appearance of inflammation in the body and make the skin become wrinkled such as the parents.

6. Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners such as asparteme oftentimes associated with the appearance of symptoms of headache and joint pain, not yet including cause you to become addicted to eating which sweets.

7. Alcohol
Said Dr. Oz, drinking too much alcohol can make the body experiencing dehydration and cause wrinkling in the skin, loss of collagen, even up to skin reddened and swollen.

8. Energy drinks
That are not many people know, energy drinks can damage tooth enamel eight times more many than soda. According to Dr. Oz, this erosion will make the teeth look yellow and not healthy.

9. Carbohydrate
Carbohydrates are one of the essential nutrients that the body needs, but do not be consumed excessively because thing it will damage the collagen and fibers are contained in skin.

10. Fried foods
Explained that fried foods contribute to the process of the breakdown of collagen in the skin so that the skin becomes wrinkled and creased.

11. Soda
Similar to drinks which high sugar levels, soda can also cause dehydration so that the body becomes fatigue and you look exhausted.

Levels of water consumption the best is to drink half your body weight in ounces. So if your weight 130 ounces, you need 65 ounces of water a his day or the same with 8 glasses.

Hopefully this info is beneficial to you and your family..
Thank you..

Senin, 29 April 2013

Benefits of meditation

What is meditation?

Some people may have visions of monks in far off lands sitting together in silence when they think about meditation. 
Meditation is actually becoming a practice that is quite popular in the Western world among people from all walks of life. If you are not familiar with meditation, you may still be wondering, “What is meditation?

Essentially, the answer to the question is a simple one. 

"Meditation is an approach that anyone can use to help them cope with medical problems, stress, and anxiety by way of thought, contemplation, and reflection."

Meditation means to drop everything which is in one’s memory and to come to a state where only consciousness remains, where only awareness remains. If you remove all objects from your consciousness, all thoughts, all imagination, what will happen? – only consciousness will remain. That pure state of consciousness is meditation. You don’t meditate on somebody. Meditation is a state where only consciousness remains.

Along with the question “What is Meditation,” you may also wonder, 

What benefits can be experienced by using meditation regularly?” 

There are a variety of benefits that have been linked with the regular practice of meditation. Meditation can bring about healing of both the body and the mind by using deliberation of thought and consideration. It's a piece of advice yogis have given for thousands of years: take a deep breath and relax.

You can feel the tension melt from your muscles and all your niggling worries vanish. Somehow we all know that relaxation is good for us. Already it is proved scientifically.

A comprehensive scientific study proves that deep relaxation changes our bodies on a genetic level. Researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that, in long-term practitioners of relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation, far more ''disease-fighting genes'' were active, compared to those who practiced no form of relaxation.

Researchers found active disease protection system working in the peoples who practice deep relaxation methods. 

The  genes that protect from disorders such as pain, infertility, high blood pressure and even rheumatoid arthritis were switched on. The researchers were induced by this awesome phenomenon which they call ''the relaxation effect'' that could be just as powerful as any medical drug but without the side effects. 

There are various physical benefits that can be experienced when meditation is made to be a part of daily life.
deep relaxation

Helps to keep you calm and relaxed
The simple difference between those who meditate and those who do not, is that for a meditative mind the thought occurs but is witnessed, while for an ordinary mind, the thought occurs and is the boss. So in both minds, an upsetting thought can occur, but for those who meditate it is just another thought, which is seen as such and is allowed to blossom and die, while in the ordinary mind the thought instigates a storm which rages on and on.

Increases your immunity
Relaxation appears to boost immunity in recovering cancer patients. A study at the Ohio State University found that progressive muscular relaxation, when practiced daily, reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In another study at Ohio State, a month of relaxation exercises boosted natural killer cells in the elderly, giving them a greater resistance to tumors and to viruses.

Helps you to maintain emotional balance
Emotional balance, means to be free of all the neurotic behavior that results from the existence of a tortured and traumatized ego. This is very hard to achieve fully, but meditation certainly is the way to cure such neurosis and unhealthy emotional states. As one’s consciousness is cleansed of emotionally soaked memories, not only does great freedom abound, but also great balance. As one’s responses then are not colored by the burdens one carries, but are instead true, direct and appropriate.

Increases fertility
A study at the University of Western Australia found that women are more likely to conceive during periods when they are relaxed rather than stressed. A study at Trakya University, in Turkey, also found that stress reduces sperm count and motility, suggesting relaxation may also boost male fertility.

Helps to relieve from irritable bowl syndrome
When patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome began practicing a relaxation meditation twice daily, their symptoms of bloating, diarrhea and constipation improved significantly. The meditation was so effective the researchers at the State University of New York recommended it as an effective treatment.

Keeps your blood pressure down
A study at Harvard Medical School found that meditation lowered blood pressure by making the body less responsive to stress hormones, in a similar way to blood pressure-lowering medication. Meanwhile a British Medical Journal report found that patients trained how to relax had significantly lower blood pressure.

Helps to maintain your heart health
Stress leads to inflammation, a state linked to heart disease, arthritis, asthma and skin conditions such as psoriasis, say researchers at Emory University in the US. Relaxation can help prevent and treat such symptoms by switching off the stress response. In this way, one study at McGill University in Canada found that meditation clinically improved the symptoms of psoriasis.

Heal with garlic, boils pain will disappear

Heal with garlic, boils pain will disappear
There are many methods that you can choose as a form of treatment. Starting from the consumption of chemical medicine or who currently is a trend, ie alternative medicine with natural herbal ingredients.

Many people are switching from chemical treatment into natural treatment for the disease which they suffering. Profits in the form minimal side effects, cost is cheaper, and are available in your neighborhood, be one of the hallmarks of natural medicine.

Here are some natural ingredients that you can get to heal a particular statement, such as:

Chamomile for pain

Chamomile is one of the natural herbal remedies are the most popular because big anti-inflammatory properties and de-stressing. It works to relieve abdominal pain, muscle pain and soothe the nerves. You can consume the chamomile in a cup of hot chamomile or with using 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in your tea. Make sure you stir it well during at least 10 minutes before consume this ingredient.

Aloe vera for skin rejuvenation

We all know the benefits of aloe vera are very diverse, but did you know that aloe vera is also known as a natural herbal remedy for minor burns? Aloe vera is one of the best natural herbal remedy to soothe the skin because pain due to burns and remarkable healing properties.

Garlic for wounds and boils

Garlic is known to have antibiotic properties that make natural herbal remedy is remarkable for a small scar or even boils. However, you should know that the antibiotic properties of garlic can be used if you consume them in fresh form. This is one of the natural herbal remedies that you can use in everyday life.

This is drinks that make diet be easier

This is drinks that make diet be easier
For some people, losing weight indeed is not an easy thing. Various ways in which is almost useless. But there's no hurt to try insert the following healthy drinks into your diet menu.

Here are a few drinks that are believed can ease weight loss programs, such as:

1. Ginger

study in the year 2010, which was published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that consume ginger can help fight cravings and reduce appetite. If you feel hungry, try drinking a cup of ginger before you decide to eat a snack.

2. Green tea

Not a fan of ginger? Green tea has the same effect. Catechin in green tea, in particular, has been associated with weight loss, because gives a boost to your metabolism.

3. Coffee

Caffeine can gives a boost metabolism short-term at once suppress appetite, so that good news for coffee drinkers. However there is one warning, add cream and sugar to drinks can actually cancel the benefits that may occur.

4. Vegetable juice

Vegetable juice can give extra nutrients and potentially help you more a little at meals. We recommend consume fresh vegetable juice not packaging to avoid additional the calories.

5. Coconut water

This tropical drink is known for its rich benefits in health circles. A study found that drinking coconut water can help in the processing of fats, which in the long-term, potential to cause weight loss.

Hopefully useful for you who are running the diet..
Thank you...

Binge Drinking Now... Heart Disease Later?

Teens, young adults and drinking. 

It’s harmless fun and a normal part of growing up, right?

So we shouldn't worry too much about it, right?

Well if you need another reason to take teen drinking seriously here’s one. Binge drinking between the ages of 18-25 may increase risk of heart disease later in life. According to a study by Shane A. Phillips, PT, Ph.D. recently published in the Journal of the American Collegeof Cardiology, "Regular binge drinking is one of the most serious public health problems confronting our college campuses… and there may be serious cardiovascular consequences in young adults." Apparently binge drinking causes changes in two cell types that control blood flow. These changes were equivalent to those of a lifelong heavy drinker, and are a precursor for developing heart disease.

For the health of our kids now (and decades down the road) we need to take a serious look at our attitudes about partying and binge drinking. Our kids count on us to set the limits to keep them safe. That's easy when they’re little and the rules are simple, “Look both ways before you cross the street.” The issues get more complicated and confusing as they get older...and they challenge the rules seemingly indefatigably. I know that the possibility of a heart attack decades from now won't deter a kid from drinking (at 20, I would have rolled my eyes if my mom had told me this.) But it is a reminder to me that youthful risky behaviors can have unforeseen and life-changing consequences,so it’s important that I keep talking with my kids about alcohol and drug abuse (and accept their inevitable eye rolling with good humor.)

What to do about diabetes as crisis gets worst

What to do about diabetes? The diabetic crisis is getting worst according to health officials in New York City, the City has seen an incredible jump in reported cases of high blood sugar, in fact the numbers have more than tripled in the last 10 years. What is happening in the Big apple is also indicative of what is happening in much of the country. What to do about diabetes is a problem that has health officials alarmed.

Rates triple in only a decade

The tripling of the high blood sugar numbers is causing alarm amongst medical professionals and parents. In another scary development the numbers of children suffering from adult high blood sugar has quadrupled in the last 10 years. Officials from the State health department revealed some very startling statistics this week on the growing crisis, one of the more startling bits of information was that thousands of adults were type 2 diabetic as children but did not know it. When doctors examined adults they found that many had the diabetic symptoms since late childhood but ignored it, thousands are having their legs, arms and fingers removed from the damaging effects of high blood sugar. What to do about diabetes is an important question that may save your life.

Here are the comments from the State Health official who lead the study

What’s most alarming is that more than 200,000 New Yorkers are walking around with this serious disease and don’t even know they’re at risk for blindness, amputations, or even worse — premature death,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley. “We must work to end this crisis.”
if you are pre diabetes,have any belly fat weight or are overweight this is now a matter of life and death, millions of us are now insulin resistant and this means deep health consequences.

What to do about diabetes? One diet in Europe for the last 4 years has helped thousands of people reversed high blood sugar in 17 countries Click here insulin resistance diet proves to reverse diabetes in 17 countries

Minggu, 28 April 2013

This is a list of stomach ache that is often experienced & ways of its handling

This is a list of stomach ache that is often experienced & ways of its handling
Stomach problems are one of health problems that commonly occur. However, although this often happens keep can interfere your activities.

The worst part is that you can not enjoy any food with stomach and digestive which problematic. Well, this is various kinds of common stomach diseases and its handling.

1. Gastric acid

Decrease in acid occurs when gastric acid reacts when you do not eat anything for a long time. Enzyme acid in the stomach will be strong and immediately after you eat, the gastric acid will 'finish him' and make food go up. The best way to beat the acid reflux is cold milk.

2. Bloating

Gas is nothing but the heavy air that is produced when digesting heavy fibrous foods such as cabbage. The stomach will feel such as pulled and maybe also make the heart feels such as burned due to gas.

You can practice pavanamuktasana, a style of yoga that will make you fart or drink a lot of water to dilute the gas.

3. Gastric ulcers

When meal time become is very irregular, the enzyme acid will erode the stomach lining. These thing causes severe pain and sense burning in the stomach.

Medicines can control peptic ulcers, but they always can relapse. So, adjust your eating schedule every 2 hours.

4. Diarrhea

Diarrhea usually occurs when you eat foods that are raw or not hygienic. These thing makes your stomach gives road that is too easy feces to exit.

Raw bananas are big for toning the bowel movement and also ORS or water with salt and sugar can treat it.

5. Constipation

When you eat foods that contain too much protein and carbohydrates however little fiber, the feces will be hard. This will probably cause difficulty bowel movement for days.

This would make decreased appetite and cause stomach ache. Drink milk and papaya in handling cases of constipation.

6. Lactose intolerance

Some adult humans do not have the enzyme to digest milk is called lactose. So when consuming milk or milk derivative products will cause indigestion.

The only one thing that you can do here is avoid all milk products and its derivatives.

7. Wormy

Sometimes, the worms can get into our stomach from food are not hygienic or which infected. Such as in the flesh, if not properly processed it could have been containing the worms.

Worms will cause stomach ache and rectum become itchy. You need to take worm medicine to immediately get rid of worms.

8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you have chronic indigestion and stomach ache, then maybe you have irritable bowel syndrome. And so far, digestive power may be will reduced significantly.

Because this disease can not be cured, you must be really careful with what you eat.

In addition, gastrointestinal disorders such as abdominal pain caused by consume foods that are very heavy or spicy can make the abdominal not able digest it. When thing it happens, you can take jaljeera (water black cumin with salt) to ease your digestion.

So, it is very wise if you avoid certain foods to maintain stomach health and digestive. Increase eat fibrous foods and consume worm medicine regularly.

Hopefully useful for you...
Thank you...

Natural herb to overcome flu

Natural herb to overcome flu
Natural herb

Actually, there is another herb that can be used to reduce complaints of flu with a mixture of tea leaves, mint leaves, liquorice and nutmeg seed.

Ingredients that needed are:

* 5-10 sheets of fresh tea leaves or one teaspoon of dried tea leaves
* 5-10 sheets of fresh mint leaves or one teaspoon of dried mint leaves
* 5 sheets of dried liquorice
* 5 dried nutmeg seed

All materials incorporated into the glass size 200 ml. Then brewed. Can also with boil all ingredients with 200 ml up to boiling. Wait until warm and ready to drink.

Tea leaves, in addition to helping reduce fat in the mouth, throat, and stomach can also help expedite the respiratory tract. And stimulates the central nervous system as well as the cardiac activity.

Mint leaves are waging breathing in the nasal cavity. While nutmeg seed can help provide a smooth muscle relaxing effect which is very helps reduce muscle tension when experiencing flu disorder.

Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Your Vote Showed How Important Our Veterans Are

Collectively we hold image of a soldier returning from serving our country- a young man physically injured rebuilding his life in the civilian world. Here's two facts to consider:

  • that soldier may be a young woman, and 
  • her war wounds may not be physical but psychological.
And that's where Guardian House comes in... 

Saratoga County Rural Preservation Company – VETHELP provides Guardian House, a transitional home for homeless, female veterans, who are striving to regain independence. Because you voted to say this is important to our community, they were chosen as the winner in Home depot's Aprons in Action contest to win $25,000 for renovations to Guardian House. They plan to use the $25,000 to provide additional living space in the home by demolishing unusable space and rebuilding to promote healthy living for the female veterans. Partnering with Team Depot and volunteers from Rebuilding Together Saratoga County to complete the project, the new addition to their facility would include a study/office for veterans actively seeking employment and completing school work. They also plan to incorporate an exercise room that will promote overall wellness for the mind, body, and soul as well as an outdoor gardening area to promote a positive and creative outlet. The additional space will be converted into a storage area which will be utilized as veterans accumulate household belongings in preparation of their transition back into the community and independent living. They will also paint, install Sheetrock and insulation, and provide landscaping.

Thanks for voting to help our veterans!

Jumat, 26 April 2013

Want to Reduce Risk of Hypertension? Consumption 5 This Nutrition

Want to Reduce Risk of Hypertension? Consumption 5 This Nutrition
Food is a very important element in life. Controlling eating patterns and lifestyle is believed to be effective for maintaining blood pressure remained normal. 5 These nutrients can help you reduce and control in order to the pressure within keep in normal limits and reduce the risk of hypertension.

The key to lowering blood pressure and control to keep within the normal limits known is with limit the intake of salt in eat menu everyday. In addition, no less important to organize other nutrients more many to help maintain blood pressure, among others, with the intake of potassium, calcium, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and magnesium.

Here are 5 essential nutrients to maintain the body from the risk of hypertension, among others:

1. Potassium
Many studies have found that consume enough potassium regularly, can help reduce and maintain blood pressure keep normal. Source of potassium contained in fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, bananas, citrus and dried fruits.

2. Calcium
Calcium is needed by the body to regulate the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles, so consume enough calcium will help reduce the risk of hypertension. Sources of calcium contained in the low-fat milk, yogurt, green vegetables, almonds, sesame seeds, and tofu.

3. Fiber
Consumption of high amounts of fiber help lower blood pressure systolic and diastolic heart. So if consume enough fiber will help the work of the heart and lowers blood pressure in the body. Source of fiber contained in cereals, beans, peas, soybeans, fruits and vegetables, wheat.

4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), omega-3 fatty acids able to reduce the inflammation and can help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. In addition, omega-3 fatty acid also concentrated in the brain and is important for cognitive the memory and brain performance.

Source of omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish, fisheries, such as sardines, tuna, salmon. besides it also, on the fish oil, walnuts, wheat, and soybeans.

5. Magnesium
Magnesium deficiency, effect on the low levels of calcium and potassium in the blood, as well as changes in heart system and the blood circulation. These thing makes magnesium is an important part that needs to be added when the blood pressure is high.

Sources of magnesium contained in whole grains, beans, spinach, wheat bread, and tofu.

Hopefully useful for you....
Thank you..

Leadership Lessons from the Playground

Robert Fulgham summed it up quite nicely, “All I really need to know l earned in kindergarten. Play fair… don’t hit other people … clean up your own mess… learn some and think some…hold hands and stick together.”  Wise words to guide children...and adults.
Think of all the daily problems that could be avoided if we just applied that sandbox wisdom.  A brief glance at today’s local news stories: college students cheating on assignments, a hit and run accident and a brutal domestic homicide, clearly demonstrates that at least some adults have lost sight of those basic fundamentals of living honestly and compassionately. I certainly don’t mean to trivialize such serious issues, but I do think that as we grow up our behaviors (both good and bad) can have a greater impact. So the bullying behaviors in the playground can later manifest as relationship or sexual violence.
So that’s why it’s so important, not only to teach kids right from wrong, but also to teach them how to stand up for what’s right. The Ballston Area Community Allies, works with kids to promote healthy relationships and youth leaders for  positive change.

“ Love the answers those kids had.  They really get the message.”   
Benita Zahn from WNYT News
On May 3, 2013 the youth in the Community allies are organizing the 2ndBullying Awareness March beginning at the Ballston Area Community Center (BACC) located at 20 Malta Avenue in Ballston Spa. At last year’s march the youth shared their concerns about bullying with District Attorney James A. Murphy -Ballston Spa School District Superintendent, Dr. Joseph Dragone, Mayor John P. Romano. As one 10 year old boy said after last year’s march,  "I think we can at least put our best efforts into it and we tried our best to stop bullying, so hopefully it will work."  

If you, your child, or your organization, would like to join our march, call BACC (518) 885-3261

Kamis, 25 April 2013

Hobbies drinking soda, increase the risk of diabetes 5 times higher

Hobbies drinking soda, increase the risk of diabetes 5 times higher
Soda is one of drink that is popular in various circles of society. But there is a new study that reveals, that consume a minimum 1 cans of soda drinks / day can increase the risk 5 times higher for exposed to diabetes.

The study has been published in the journal Diabetologia is done in the UK, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Sweden, France, and the Netherlands, with involve 350,000 people. The whole respondents were asked the about habits patterns of eating their.

"Consume soft drinks with sweetener only, is already increases the risk of diabates. So increasingly many number of cans that drinked, the higher also the risk," said Dora Romaguera, study leader from Imperial College London.

Romaguera continue the current, consumption of soft drinks with high sugar content is still very favored by the the public. Results of this study is expected can realize the public to switch to white water. Remembering the existence of increase in consumption in Europe, this message must be delivered not only to Europe, but also to the whole world, said Romaguera.

The results of this studies previous, had been in doubt if noticing body mass index. However, Dr. Matthew Hobbs, the lead researcher of Diabetes UK, said that there is clearly a relationship between sugary soda beverages with risk of type 2 diabetes, even when body mass index calculated.

These thing suggests that the risk was increase is not solely because of the many calories that obtained from soda. Even so, we very recommend for everyone to keep limit the consumption of drinks with high sugar content. This because of the high calorie content and can cause increase in body weight is excessively, said Dr. Hobbs.

Dr. Hobbs returned reminded the importance of maintaining weight keep within normal limits, because it is one of the important factors if want prevent type 2 diabetes.

"As long as there's a will, we can easily replace the consumption of soft drinks with white water. Bottom line is whether we really want to maintain in order to the body keep healthy," said Prof. Patrick Wolfe, researchers from University College London.

Hopefully warning of this health beneficial for you...
Thank you..

Gender of Bell Peppers !!

Gender of Bell Peppers !!
Did you know you can check the gender of bell peppers? Turn them over...the ones with four bumps are female and those with three bumps are male.
The female peppers are full of seeds, but sweeter and better for eating raw and the males are better for cooking.
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Pupula Duplex (Eyes With 2 Pupils) What is Pupula Duplex

Pupula Duplex is a latin term which means double pupil. It is thought to be a condition where a person develops two irises, corneas and retinas on the same eyeball of each eye. This condition does not officially exist in official medical literature. Since there isn’t a great deal of evidence in the form of official literature supporting the existence of this condition, many people believe it is simply mythological It is often portrayed in science fiction literature. Although it is an extremely rare condition there are a few cases of famous historical figures who were born with this condition. This condition was given some credence when the famous Chinese emperor Liu Ch'ung was featured on Ripley’s believe it or not as having had this condition. It is thought to be condition that a person is born with. Since no official medical literature exists on this condition there is limited information available related to its possible causes? It is most likely a result of a genetic defect or mutation. It is not thought to be something that can be transmitted genetically. It isn’t contagious nor is it thought to be harmful to the person’s general health.
A common question that most people who encounter this condition are likely to ask are does a person with this condition see from pupils? Well before we can answer this questions let us briefly delve into how a person with normal eyesight sees.
When light enters the eye of a normal person it passes through the cornea. The cornea is the transparent front section of the eye that covers the iris. The cornea helps your eye to focus. The light then approaches the other side of the cornea called the aqueous humor then it passes through the pupil or the iris. The iris contracts or dilates depending on the amount of light that may be present hereby increasing or limiting the amount of lie that progresses deeper into the eye. The light then travels through the lens that is responsible for focusing the light. This focused light is then transported to the center of the eye covered in a clear jelly called vitreous which is surrounded by the retina.
The light is picked up by the photoreceptors in the retina where it is projected unto a flat and smooth surface. Signals are then sent from the photoreceptors to the optic nerve where it is translated into electromagnetic signals where its then sent to the visual center of the brain for interpretation.
A person who has a double pupil may have the ability to increase the volume of visual information that is taken in when he sees. His focus may also be vastly improved. It is highly unlikely that this person will see separately in the same eye as the information will travel from the same photoreceptors in that particular eye. Since this condition has not been studied in any great detail it is not well understood how the brain would interpret the information sent by the eye of a person with a Pupula Duplex.

Once exposed to skin cancer, other cancer risk will haunt

Once exposed to skin cancer, other cancer risk will haunt
According to experts, the most common skin cancer in the lining of squamous cell, basal and skin melanocytes. But lately, a new study finds sufferers non-melanoma skin cancer (cancer that occurs in the third layer of cells) at high risk exposed to other cancer more severe a few years later.

In this study, a team of researchers led by Jiali Han, professor of dermatology from Harvard Medical School observe the risk of cancer in 153 600 people who participated in two big studies, the Health Professionals Study (since 1986) and the Nurses' Health Study (since 1984). 20th Annual later or precisely in 2008, there were 29,500 cases of cancer have been diagnosed from the overall participants.

This study found that women who exposed to non-melanoma skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma 26 percent bigger of opportunity to exposed skin cancer or other types of cancer than women who did not exposed to skin cancer at all. The same risk is also haunt man, but is only as big 15 percent.

In addition, sufferers non-melanoma skin cancer are also at high risk of suffering from the deadly skin cancer melanoma, and specifically for women who exposed to non-melanoma skin cancer at high risk exposed to lung cancer and breast cancer.

Researchers also took into account other factors that could affect the results of findings such as age of participants and smoking habits, whereas in women researchers are also considering the use of hormone replacement therapy which conducted participant.

"The link between non-melanoma skin cancer and the emergence of melanoma in later life, could be caused by exposure to sunlight," explained the researchers.

But according to Anthony Alberg, a professor of epidemiology from the Medical University of South Carolina, who was not involved in these studies, the reasons underlying the high risk of other skin cancers is not so clear. "A number of researchers suspect the cellular machinery that involved in DNA repair in some people seem to not work well, thus making them a higher risk for attacked any type of cancer," he said.

"However, Because big data base, these findings considered add to the evidence that the existence of relationship between skin cancer with other cancer risk. Nevertheless, the risk of cancer is shown in this study is not adequate to provide recommendations on the people who suffer non-melanoma skin cancer, in order to undergo screening earlier or more frequently than usual, "said Alberg.

And usually most people are exposed to skin cancer is the people who white skin, whereas the people are brown-skinned or black is rarely happens.

These studies has been published in the journal PLoS Medicine.

This Weekend's #1 Spring Cleaning Task

Why is this important? Because abuse of non-prescribed medications by teens is a rapidly growing trend. Teens often feel these drugs are 'safe' to take because they are medicine. They report it's easier to get prescription and OTC drugs than illegal drugs, and they know they can get a buzz from the drugs they find in the medicine cabinet in their own home or at friends’ or relatives homes . What they don't realize is that using these drugs can have dangerous consequences when not used as intended. While parents talk to their kids about the dangers of marijuana or other illegal drugs, they rarely discuss the risks of taking medications to get high. A quick step you can take to curb teen drug abuse is to safely discard expired or unused medications. That's why the Shenendehowa Community Coalition coordinates mdication disposal days like this one.

Beat the heat with these natural drinks

Drink ‘natural’ coolers this summer
Just ditch the colas and cold coffees, beat the heat with these natural drinks!

How you can drink healthy this summer!

Yes, it’s heating up again. You are dehydrating fast because of the sweating and feeling tired, just don't reach for that cola yet, wait guys.............. We have some awesome refreshing, natural options for you!

Gulp in Tender coconut water
Fresh coconut water could potentially be the greatest energy drink in the world, to top it off, it’s all-natural. Coconut water contains more potassium than the majority of energy drinks. The chloride it holds is at 118 g, and it’s natural sugars extent to about 5 mg. So, just walk down the road, and help yourself to gulp in some refreshing tender coconut water instead. Coconut water is considered as “fluid for life”. It contains a bounty of nutrients that can help fight the summer heat. It’s a natural coolant that can help reduce your body heat.
 energy drink

Avoid  cola or aerated drinks
Well, all those cold colas stacked up in the corner shop looks tempting. Skip it! It’s loaded with sugar and is bad for you in so many ways. Soft drinks fails to provide adequate hydration because the high sugar content and caffeine in soft drinks promote dehydration.


Enjoy fresh fruit smoothies 
Try fresh fruit smoothies instead. Buy some strawberries, bananas, mangoes or pineapple, watermelon any other fruit you like. Wash, cut and blend in a mixer with cold milk or yogurt, add some ice and enjoy.
fruit smoothies 
Skip that  ice-cream treat
While ice-cream or ice-candy can bring you temporary relief from the pains of soaring heat, but think again before you gulp in some as most of the ice creams contain loads of sugar, harmful chemicals and artificial sweeteners and colors they do no good for your body. 
Ice cream

Find some Butter milk 

Buttermilk is high in potassium, vitamin B12, calcium, and riboflavin as well as a good source of phosphorus. Those with digestive problems are often advised to drink buttermilk rather than milk, as it is more quickly digested. Buttermilk has more lactic acid than skim milk. 
butter milk
One cup of buttermilk has 99 calories and 2.2 grams of fat, whereas whole milk has 157 calories and 8.9 grams of fat. Do check the labels as some brands of buttermilk are higher in fat than others. It is lower in fat than regular milk, because the fat has been removed to make butter. Packaged buttermilk is available aplenty today. Avoid that sugar-loaded packaged fruit juice and grab that buttermilk or masala chaas, as you call it in India!

Say NO to packaged 
Most of the packed juices are stuffed with sugar artificial coloring and additives which might not be that good after all.
Packaged juices

Say YES to Kokum juice
Try kokum juice or kokum sherbat this summer. It is known as 
Garcinia Indica and is very famous in India specially in Maharashtra it is natural treat to beat the heat.
kokum sherbat

It is easily available in powder and decoction form. And kokum can do you a lot of good. It helps prevent dehydration, improves digestion and appetite. What more? It is known to fight infection, cleanse the blood and is good for your cardiovascular health.

Ditch Kadak Chai (Strong Tea)
I think sipping Kadak chai in summer will do no good to your body. In summer, your favourite chai will leave you feeling tired instead of pepping you up..
kadak chai
Give a try to Chamomile tea 
Pour some 
Chamomile tea in a cup, add a spoonful of honey and slurp! It will hydrate you instantly, and also soothe your nerves! It is a natural home remedy for most of the daily ailments like headache, stomach crams, insomnia, irritable bowl syndrome etc
chamomile tea

Say NO to Coffee 
Hot or cold, doesn't matter, coffee can be really bad for you during the summer. It increases body heat and will further dehydrate you. 

Enjoy Barley water instead
Barley has cooling properties, which is why barley water helps bring down body heat. It’s an excellent substitute for chai or any other drink for that matter. It cleanses your kidney and keeps it free of toxins. 
Barley water also brings down the heat content in the body. In some countries, people consume barley rice during summer for its cooling properties.

barley water
If you don’t enjoy the tatse, add a dash of lime to the drink like the English do. Or add a spoonful of jeera while you’re boiling barley. This can add a welcome zing to your drink.
A study conducted by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that the fiber that comes from barley water lowers cholesterol. Hence, this is a must-have drink for fitness freaks.We suggest you drink while its warm like you would have your kadak chai….... yes, even in this burning weather.