Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Is Not eating a good Weight Loss Program?

When it comes to weight loss, one of the options people think about is to stop eating for a while. Everyone knows that weight gain or loss is simply a matter of math, calories in minus calories out equals weight gain or loss. Your body burns 70 calories per hour even just sitting idle on the couch. If you don’t eat any calories then your calculation is simple and your weight loss should be fast, right? Well yes and no and as simple as it sounds, that idea is fraught with potential problems.
You see, even though you might not be “burning” any calories your body’s systems keep working. When you body is deprived of food it slow down its metabolism. This means you burn calories more slowly. While a no-calorie weight loss program might seem to work at the onset, within a short time your metabolic rate slows down substantially and your weight loss slows with it.
Your body needs energy to stay alive, so at first, it goes after the glycogen stored in your liver and converts it to glucose to burn for the energy it needs. When that store of energy is used up (to a degree), your body will begin to go after the energy stored in the bonds of certain molecules in your fat cells. This process is called ketosis and accounts for why your breath sometimes smells like fingernail polish (made with ketones) after hard exercise.
So far, your no eating weight loss program sounds good. You’re burning calories, reducing body fat and losing weight. That’s what effective weight loss plans are supposed to do, right? Well, yes, but unfortunately this isn’t all your body is doing under these circumstances.
One result of your no eating program is that this method of ‘dieting’ will cause your body to undergo a ‘rebound’ effect. In other words, this kind of weight loss program will cause you to crave food like crazy. This effect will cause you to put on more pounds than you lost. This is because your body is compensating for a radical deficit.
Now if gaining a little extra weight after being able to fit into a dress for a wedding or looking good for a high school reunion was the only ill effect of your no eating weight loss program then you might feel that this option is the one to choose. The real problem is that there are serious health risks to simply starving yourself or going on a long term fast. This wacky weight loss eating plan causes a number of carefully balanced nutrients to become unbalanced.
After not eating for a period of time, your balance of insulin, sugar and a variety of other essential compounds becomes upset. The danger here is that, in addition to regulating your energy levels, they also influence the hormones that regulate your brain and nervous systems.
Unless you compensate with some sort of sports-style drink your concentrations of potassium and sodium will also get out of balance. These can be even more difficult to adjust in the absence of food. These minerals are vital for regulating your heartbeat. They are also found in every cell of your body and in fluids where they participate in an enormous variety of critical tasks.
An imbalance of these can cause fatigue, dizziness and difficulty concentrating. Of course these are only three of the milder symptoms that can result. Dehydration is very likely, since much of the fluid you receive is not just from the liquids you drink but from your food. If the weather is warm and you are even a little active this can easily lead to heat stroke.
Your kidneys will have a more difficult time filtering properly. Since they clean the waste material from the blood they play a role in regulating your blood pressure. They also stimulate your bone marrow to make red blood cells.
In addition, your odds of a heart attack are increased and your brain function suffers. The list goes on and on. Even if the fast is ended long before death, which is about 4 weeks for most people, serious long term physical effects would occur.
So of all the weight loss options you have to choose from the no eating program is definitely not the one you should choose. Instead of fasting, try eating a balanced, healthy diet with a limited number of calories. When you combine this type of weight loss eating with a plan that includes an age and circumstance-appropriate exercise program you are not only setting yourself up for long term success but also maintaining a healthy body. This is the surest way to lose pounds safely, a program that keeps your short term and long term health in harmony. You can lose the weight you desire, just do it in a healthy manner. You’ll be so glad you did!
Wil Dieck is the founder of Total Mind Therapy a combination of hypnosis and NLP and a number of e-courses including a “Weight Loss Secrets” program that you can have for no charge or obligation

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