Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Study: Energy drinks can trigger heart rhythm disturbances

Study: Energy drinks can trigger heart rhythm disturbances
Energy drinks
Lately increasingly many circulating various types of energy drinks with variants of taste or packaging that claimed can restore energy after a day of activities or maintain endurance. But this is contrary to the new findings of the U.S. that revealed that energy drinks can provide a negative impact to heart rhythm or blood pressure.

The conclusion it obtained after investigators to review seven studies that observe the various of heart conditions after consumption of energy drinks. From there, researchers found that high consumption of caffeinated beverages and contain other stimulants such as taurine it can increase blood pressure and increase a person's risk for experiencing heart rhythm disorders.

Even researchers emphasize the evidence behind the 'ability' energy drinks to increase this blood pressure 'so convincing at once alarming. Because they found that energy drinks can increase systolic blood pressure (blood pressure at the time of occur contraction of the heart muscle) those who drink up to as much as 3.5 points.

Not only is it, consuming one to three cans of energy drinks also prolong the heart's electrical cycle phase is called the 'QT interval' of up to 10 milliseconds. Whereas a long QT interval, has long been known as one of the sign of a person at high risk experiencing heartbeats disorders that can be fatal. This condition is commonly called Long QT Syndrome.

"The doctors usually directly worried, if the patient is known QT interval increases up to 30 milliseconds. Which is why we say if the correlation between energy drinks and increased this systolic blood pressure, was so worrying, though still much further study is needed to ascertain the impact of this case on rhythm heartbeat. For it patients with hypertension or high blood pressure, and long QT syndrome should be careful before consuming an energy drink, "said one researcher, Professor Sachin Shah from the University of the Pacific, California.

"Never mind the patients second it, people who suffer from any health problems or older people have the same risk to be exposed side effects associated with heart health from energy drinks," he continued.

Nevertheless Shah admitted if on these findings still need further study because the data used in this study is inadequate.

What else previous study revealed high rates of patients who entered the ER, due to the consumption of energy drinks is largely based on the fact that many young people who combine energy drinks with alcohol so that potential of side effects become manyfold. The side effects of energy drinks on the health of the heart itself is still not much studied.

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