Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Low Carb Diet Plan

  For those who can’t afford to go through an expensive diet program like the Medifast Diet or the South Beach Diet but want the same remarkable results, a low carb diet plan is the one for you.  A low carb weight loss program employs minimal carbohydrate intake.
If your are finally set to take on a low carb diet plan, the first thing you need to do is to familiarize yourself with the three types of carbohydrates.  They are your fibers, sugars and starches.  All these three are energy sources of your body and they work with the other nutrients to help keep your body function efficiently.  But, of course, not all types of carbs are beneficial to our health.
When there’s a sudden increase of blood sugar in your system, that is often due to bad carbohydrates.  When a person has high blood sugar, it can result to serious complications if not taken care of immediately, such as  kidney failure, blindness, and weakening of the immune system.
Although a low carb diet plan is an inexpensive type of weight loss program, it doesn’t mean to say that it is also the easiest.  We’ve relied so much on high carb foods ever since we were kids that falling off the diet plan can be just too easy.  So make sure that you can control your cravings especially on the early stage of your diet.  One sure way to suppress your appetite is not to skip any meals especially breakfast.  You can even eat meals five times a day in minimum servings so that you won’t easily get hungry in between these meals.
So what foods are you allowed to eat when in a low carb diet?  Definitely not beans, fruits, milk, bread, nuts, potatoes, pasta, corn and grains on the first 2 weeks of your diet plan.  However, on the second phase of the program, you can already eat some of those foods you were not allowed to eat during the first week.  When your are already close to your targeted weight then that is the time you can be allowed to eat whole grain products, along with potatoes and corn.  I would personally recommend you avoid huge quantities of foods that have refined sugar and flour even if you’ve already reached your goal weight.
Do not ever think that when you’ve reached your desired weight it is already safe to go back to those foods you were deprived of when you were still starting.  Remember that those types of foods are the culprit in making you bloat then.  Knowing what you can and cannot eat is just part of the process in losing weight.  If you really want long term results, you need to make some alterations in your lifestyle too.  Keep it healthy by doing regular exercise and a regular intake of 8 glasses of water every day.  In any kind of weight loss program, it would be best that once you’ve reached your target weight, change your goal to healthy living after.

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