Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Low fat diet assists people in losing weight but it also helps in maintaining health

As the name implies, a low fat diet is low on fats particularly saturated fats which have a negative impact ob health. A low fat diet has a major role in the world of dieting but it can be extremely complicated at times. Often people confuse a low fat diet by removing all kinds of fat from their diet.

This is however, unhealthy. The food pyramid indicates that a body needs all kinds of foods even fat. With a low fat diet, people simply cut down the amount of fat consumed. Mostly saturated fats and cholesterol have to be avoided as they are responsible for weight gain. In a low fat diet, such items are included which have mono saturated fats.
A low fat diet can simply be defined as a diet which leads to consumption of fat but within the limited calorie range. This means that a low fat diet should be designed as such that fats should not be more than 30% of the calorie intake. Furthermore, calories from saturated fat should be less than 10% of the daily fat consumption.
Not only does a low fat diet assists people in losing weight but it also helps in maintaining health because a lot of diseases are prevented. The first thing people can do in a low fat diet is to replace the bad fat with the good. Fat is an essential part of a healthy diet and therefore cannot be completely eliminated.
Instead of fried foods, whole fat dairy products and baked goods, a low fat diet promotes foods like fish, avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds etc. A low fat diet means that people will now switch to carbohydrates for energy. However, it is important that people use natural means to consume carbohydrates otherwise they may also increase weight.
Complex carbohydrates should be consumed as they are rich in fiber and thus means low intake of saturated fats. A low fat diet also recommends people to eat at home instead of out. Meals in restaurants are rich in bad fat while home made food is more beneficial. With a low fat diet, people can also achieve long term weight control.
A low fat diet plan should be formed in a manner that it doesn’t leave out any food group in the food pyramid. The plan should not be used without an expert’s advice as people may under eat resulting in a weakness. As a whole, a low fat diet is very fruitful as it allows people to live a healthy life.

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