Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Food Combining Diet

The Food Combining Diet is based on the theory that different food groups can be digested optimally when eaten in certain combinations. The concept was introduced by Dr. William Howard Hay in the 1920s. Another similar theory was introduced by Gary Martin in the 1970s.
Proteins and starches should be eaten at separate meals and fruits should be eaten alone. Starches are best absorbed when eaten alone or with vegetables because the pH of the digestive tract is alkaline.
However, the digestion of proteins requires more acid and when proteins and starches are combined, the digestive environment is neither acid or alkaline for these groups of food to be well absorbed.
The Food Combining diet has been successful in Europe for many years. 
It is mostly directed towards weight loss, increasing your metabolic rate and facilitating the removal of toxins from the body. A wide variety of foods is allowed but the principles of combining food have to be followed.
Examples of foods that should not be combined are potatoes with meat or fish, bacon and eggs with bread. There are a lot of neutral foods that give you a wide range of choices and there are no forbidden foods.
The theory behind food combining is that you can easily digest carbohydrates and proteins if you eat them separately, the body will eliminate toxins better, the metabolic rate is increased and the body will store less fat.
A balanced diet plan combines food so as to provide an optimal supply of all the important nutrients. Fruits and vegetables are alkali forming foods, meat, game, fish, eggs or cheese are acid forming in their final end products in the body and the same is true for starches and carbohydrates. One of the major factors that contribute to weight gain is incomplete digestion of food. Incomplete food digestion can affect the nutrient absorption and result in fat and cholesterol build up in our bodies.
The food combining diet restricts the specific food you are eating at certain times in order to stimulate your metabolism to burn fat quickly.
Separating specific foods and consuming them in the right concentration and combination helps you digest them better and achieve fast weight loss.

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