Senin, 04 Maret 2013

NO MORE... Working Together to get to Zero

Today I became part of something amazing and I wanted to let you know. It’s called NO MORE, and we’re using a powerful new symbol to unleash national attention on an issue that impacts 12.7 million of us every year. That’s 24 people every minute.
Many people think that domestic violence and sexual assault don’t affect them, but they’re wrong.
These are people that we know. They’re the person you confide in most at work, the girl in your study group, the guy you play basketball with and your teenager’s best friend.
These issues are massive but they’re still very hidden and misunderstood.   

It’s time to change that. If we all commit to working together to end domestic violence and sexual assault we will be successful. That’s what this symbol stands for…ZERO domestic violence or sexual assault by working together.  

This isn’t a women’s issue; it isn’t a man’s issue.  It’s about all of us.

It’s about why I say NO MORE… and why you say NO MORE… and how we’re going to work together until there is NO MORE.  

You can find out more information at 

I’m saying NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault by using this symbol and sharing it with everyone I know. I hope you will too. 

Thanks for taking a look!


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