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Normally, the human biological clock cycles will follow the real-time 24 hours in a day. But in people who could never get up in the morning, the biological clock cycles are not synchronous again. A day can be more than 24 hours.
The findings were revealed by scientists from Flinders University is adding a long list of triggers various sleep problem. No synchronization biological clock with real-time is proven to cause people difficulty sleeping at night and then difficulty waking up in the morning the next day.
According to the researchers, the condition is enough commonly found and is experienced by approximately 19 percent of teens. Although more many found in among teenagers, this condition if not handled can progress up to adulthood and in the long run can lead to health problems.
"People are disturbed sleep not will can sleep until 2-3 predawn, or in some cases up to 4 hours of dawn. This makes them very difficult to get up early in the day corresponding commitment," kara Professor Leon Lack, who led the research it.
After conducting investigation together with his team, 'Prof. Lack', found that people with this kind of problem has a biological clock with the cycle that is not synchronous. If the normal time consists of 24 hours in a day, these people have a biological clock more than 24 hours.
To overcome this, one of which 'Prof. Lack', mention one of whom bright light therapy or light therapy in the morning. Letting the sunshine enter into the bedroom in the morning will release the trigger the release of certain hormones to make the body quickly awake.
"Exposure to bright light early as possible will provide information on the human biological clock that arriving already time to get up in the morning, so that on subsequent nights can sleep earlier and then waking up also can an earlier," 'Prof. Lack' said.
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