Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Hi Ladies, If Have This Symptoms Means You Less Nutrient

Hi Ladies, If Have This Symptoms Means You Less Nutrient
Every year, March 8 is always celebrated universal woman as International Women's Day. Unfortunately, there are still the women who do not pay attention to his health. Many distractions symptoms of malnutrition which ignored women.

Compared to men, life for women tend to be more regular. Life expectancy is also usually higher. But because a lot of affairs to be resolved, both affairs in job and household, not little the woman ignore their own body condition.

such as for example: malnutrition, many women do not realize that himself experiencing conditions it. Though his symptoms can occur in daily life.

Here are some symptoms that indicate that women are malnourished, among others:

1. Fatigue
The main symptoms and is most many on women malnutrition is fatigue. Women who are malnourished will not have the energy to do the activities, even to eat though. When muscles are not getting enough essential nutrients such as calcium, muscles will be tired and consequently the body loses energy.

2. Low blood pressure
If you are experiencing malnourished, blood pressure will always low (hypotension). If you do not eat carbohydrates and fat, the body will lack of glucose in the blood, which ultimately affect the blood pressure.

3. Often dizziness
When blood pressure drops, the body will loses balance and head will feel spin. This condition causes you to experience dizziness and headaches.

4. Anemia
Anemia is very common among women. Anemia occurs because the female body is not getting enough foods that contain iron. This is further compounded when a woman is menstruating or after childbirth.

5. Sensitive and easily offended
Hormonal changes in a woman's body happen so easy. When a woman's body is not getting enough nutrition, hormone balance also affected. This became one cause of woman mood is not good.

6. Hair loss
Hair and skin to be healthy if your body also healthy. If you do not get enough nutritious food, the hair will become brittle and break easily. If you are experiencing hair loss that is not normal, it could be that you are experiencing signs of malnutrition.

7. Menstruation not regular
When the body does not get enough iron and calcium, the body will be 'hungry'. In these conditions, the body begins storing nutrients and stop the menstrual blood. Lack of iron is one of the common reasons for menstrual irregularity.

8. Weight loss
Poor nutrition is not just a case of lack of vitamins and minerals. When you reduce the carbohydrates and protein, the body also will become malnourished. In this case, his symptoms can be seen with weight loss.

9. Easy sick
When the body deficiency of builder substances immune such as vitamin C, zinc and other vital nutrients, the body will be easy to get sick. You also need to be suspicious when you are suffering from a disease that never healed.

10. The skin is easily bruise
The skin is easily bruised omen your capillary blood vessels fragile. This condition occurs when the blood platelet count decreases. This means you need vitamin K and folate in big quantities.

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