Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

With breakfast eggs, desire for snacking reduced until night

With breakfast eggs, desire for snacking reduced until night
Breakfast eggs
Bad habit of snacking throughout the day is one of the main causes of obesity are often not realized. Whereas, there are easy ways to reduce them, ie with breakfast the eggs. The content of protein a potent for withstand hunger.

A study at the University of Missouri back proved that intake of protein in the morning breakfast menu very determine the success of the diet throughout the day. Protein makes appetite more controlled, so the desire to snack could be controlled.

However, the study also revealed that 60 percent of Americans often forget things it. Breakfast is often missed with reason of a hurry, or if breakfast then only with potluck menu without taking into account of the protein.

Heather Leidy, the scientist who conducted the study it said, obesity now affects 25 million adults in his country. One of the causes is the lack of protein intake in the breakfast menu, which resulted appetite throughout the day is not controlled.

"Consuming the breakfast menu that is rich in protein can affect the desire to eat throughout the day, when people began to be interested to snack foods high in fat and high in sugar," Leidy said.

In his study, Leidy involving 20 teenage daughters and adults aged 18-20 years who are all, experiencing the obesity. Some of the participants were given a high food intake of protein such as eggs and bacon at breakfast, and partially again with standard protein content.

Throughout the day, participants were asked fill in a questionnaire to see how big the desire to snack that is felt. In addition, before dinner the participants also underwent brain scanning to see the activity center setting from appetite.

The results showed, high protein breakfast provides sensation of fullness for longer and reduce hunger. These changes are also observed from the results of the scan, which showed that activity in the part setting of appetite is reduced thanks to a high protein breakfast.

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Diligent Eat Vegetables Make Beautiful Skin

Diligent Eat Vegetables Make Beautiful Skin
Diligent eat vegetables and fruit for a few week only it turns out could affect the color of the skin. Similarly, a study from the University of St Andrews, which monitors eating patterns 35 people. Skin color is more beautiful it is mainly found in those who eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Indeed has long been known to yellow pigment and red, called is carotenoids in several types of vegetables and fruits have an effect on the color of skin. But not yet known clearly how much effect a normal healthy eating patterns on the skin color.

Scientists from St Andrews examined 35 students. Most of them were white. They were asked how much intake of vegetables and fruit during the six weeks. They were asked not soaking up the sun, doing tanning booth wearing the machinery or using finery. Used a tool to analyze the color of the skin before, during and after the examination of the skin.

As a result, changes in fruit and vegetable consumption it turns out maybe there is his relationship with color of skin. More much vegetables and fruits cause increasing of redness color and yellowness on the skin color.

Previous research by the same team found a relationship between facial attractiveness with small changes in the color of the skin. "maybe only a small change eating patterns could produce real benefits in skin coloring," they wrote in their report.

But they concluded the impact of eating patterns and skin it in the elderly can be different. Needed also from the research on volunteers of skin color not white.

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

Want to be healthy kidneys, avoid these things are as follows

Want to be healthy kidneys, avoid these things are as follows
Kidney disorders can be triggered by trivial things who unwittingly often done in everyday life. Who would never drinking pain medication, consume salt or sugar? Apparently it all could damage the kidneys.

Of course no need to avoid completely, just enough restricted so as not to excessively. Salt for example, however, is still needed to maintain electrolyte balance in the body. Only a proportion are adjustable, do not be excessive.

Some things that can cause kidney problems, as follows:

1. Drinking a medicine pain reliever long-term
Use of certain medications such as pain reliever in the long run especially in high doses can damage kidney tissue. Good of prescription drugs or are sold freely, both are equally had the side effect of kidney damage. It is estimated 1-3 percent of cases of chronic renal failure caused by use of pain reliever which excessive.

2. Smoke
The negative effects of smoking on the heart and lungs already many published, but now research has also shown that smokers have a protein content in urine. This shows the damage to the kidney tissue. Diseases that damage the kidneys, such as diabetes and high blood pressure also deteriorated due to cigarette consumption.

3. Consume a sugar which excessive
Many consume sugar is a risk factor for various diseases such as diabetes mellitus and obesity. Both of these diseases also impact on kidney function that deteriorated. Limiting sugar intake not only save the kidney, but also waist circumference.

4. Excessive undergoing radiology procedures
It's good do a test kidney function before undergoing scanning with any tool in the hospital. CT scan, angiogram-Ray and sometimes uses a special dyes that is injected into the body to increase the color contrast. Thing it risk of triggering AKI (Acute Kidney Injury), which is predicted to be experienced by 40 percent of patients in the hospital.

5. Consume lots of salt
Too much consumption of sodium salt can increase blood pressure, that causes damage of kidney function. Adults in the United States consume a sodium salt an average the 3300 mg / day, far higher than limit that is recommended by the government is 1,500 mg / day.

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Healing the Scars

On April 11ththe Williams Center is hosting the 6th annual Evening of Beauty to benefit Face to Face and DVRC, two organizations committed to helping survivors of domestic violence.  The Evening of Beauty is a terrific gals night out; women return year after year with their friends because it’s so much fun. But the Williams Center doesn’t organize this charity event just to show they can throw a great party. They do it because Dr. Williams and his staff know all too well the scars of an abusive relationship. 

Through Face to Face, a nonprofit organizations whose mission is "Giving Hope, One Face at a Time,"Dr. Williams donates his time and medical expertise as a plastic surgeon to help domestic violence victims heal the physical and emotional scars that endure even after the victim has left the abusive relationship. Without Face to Face,  life would  have ended  for Ilianexy Morales, when the man who professed to love her brutally stabbed her more than 100 time with a butcher’s knife. Face to Face gave her back her life… and this beautiful smile. 

Let’s work to END domestic violence, so no one ever again experiences the brutal suffering that Ilianexy did. You can help support organizations like Face to Face and Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services. And on April 11th you can have a great time while raising funds for these two organizations.

                 Evening of Beauty

Thursday April 11th
5:00 – 8:00 PM
Williams Center
1072 Troy Schenectady Road
Latham, NY


Join us for a silent auction (featuring items from BOTOX Cosmetic , Radiesse, Juvederm, Restylane Peels, Spa & Salon Certificates, gift baskets), light refreshments, cooking class, wine tasting, fashion show, giveaways, door prizes and more!


$25 pre-registration; $35 at the door
RSVP (518) 786-7000
Proceeds to benefit DVRC of Saratoga County and Face to Face

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

Wow, The Human Body Can Used for Forecasting

Wow, The Human Body Can Used for Forecasting
The body of a man, apparently have a hidden ability which can predict or imply a certain condition. Even, the body will first realize the change in temperature, weather, and season then signaled to you.

Your body can imply a certain event or condition in this way:

1. Your joints can predict the weather
When happens a rain storm, previous will be preceded by a decrease in atmospheric pressure. This can be perceived by the tip of sensory joints, which can increase the pressure of the joint fluid and cause a little pain.

Although this pain it sounds not fun, but it is the way the body to predict the weather and remind you to be wary of the occurrence of rain storm.

2. Eyes can be warned that your body is too cold
Body will shiver when you cold, but the eye of you are who will warn that your body temperature have been too cold and dangerous. When hypothermia which increasingly severe, blood vessels in the eyes will narrowed to conserve energy.

When cold temperatures have been caused discomfort in the eyes, immediately warm yourself. Hypothermia can cause body dehydration, severe fatigue and can cause death.

3. Heart rate can signal an incident that will occur
Heart rate can provide a signal on the body that you need to anticipate certain incidents that will happen without cues. Researchers from Northwestern University shows a series of images in an unexpected sequence to the study participants and study the reaction.

The researchers found that the heart rate of participants will be accelerated much as 10 seconds before serving creepy images. This shows that the heart can have a gut feeling when something which thrilling or disturbing will happen.

4. Woman's vagina can be activated before his brain could
Most women think that himself will realize when it is in the situation aroused, but the researchers from the Netherlands do not agree with this. Researchers showed to the women in an erotic video, and it turns out her vagina has been more first aroused without realizing it, where will remove fluid a vaginal lubricant.

5. Part of pupil of the eye can show signs that your are falling in love
Your pupil of the eye will tend to grow big, when were in near to the people you love. Dilation of the pupil is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, where this the nervous system will react when seeing someone attractive, the food looked delicious, and even the beautiful natural scenery.

6. Your sense of smell can evoke memories of the past
The cortex of the brain responsible for sense of smell, is located in the limbic system, namely: a place where a person stores memory. So that when you smell certain aromas typical, such as the smell of favorite dishes from his grandmother, then automatically you will remember with memories-memories of the past with your grandmother.

7. Eyes can predict that the spring will come soon
Eyes can show that winter is coming to an end and replaced with the spring. The signs are eye will tend to be itchy and watery due to the amount of plant pollen and spore that will increase when spring arrives. The pollen can make eyes feel poignant, watery and itchy.

8. Migraine can shows the occurrence of extreme temperature changes
Many people are overly sensitive to extreme weather changes can trigger the occurrence of migraine, such as very hot temperatures or cold. Weather changes can cause an imbalance of the brain chemicals, including serotonin, which can trigger a migraine.

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7 Secrets for Ageless

Secrets for Ageless
Secrets for Ageless
Almost all people wants to have a long life. Lifestyle and health habits can extend our age. Here are longevity tips are easily practiced everyday:

1. Stay active
Managing the body regularly not only keep the flexibility and balance of the body, but also maintain the mind keep alert and healthy circulatory system. Walking, yoga and tai chi is very nice for maintaining muscle fitness. Taichi besides to managing the body also managing the soul which heals. The benefits to health already felt by many people.

2. Positive thinking
Ever there was a study of women who reach the age of 100 years. They were found it is have a positive attitude than ordinary people. Expert health of the elderly, reported that psychical health apparently also important to maintain physical health in old age.

3. Eating patterns
In eating habits is also an important factor in longevity. Food people long life consists of many vegetables and fruits in addition to sources of complex carbohydrates such as red rice. Source of protein obtained from fish and nuts. Red meat consumed only occasionally.

4. Married
A study published in the British Medical Journal, tracking of 918 men aged 45 to 59 years during ten years. The study it found, those who ejaculated less than once a month turned out to be two times the risk of death during the study period than men who get orgasms twice a week.

High sexual activity it does not mean making single people more fortunate than a person married. The study found married man live longer than single people. It may be because better nutrition, there are cared in times of pain and quiet life which tends to be less stressful.

5. Sleep
The latest survey found that study participants who sleep an average of seven hours a day have a lower mortality rate. But too much sleep it turns out not good. Sleeping nine hours a day more risky than those who slept four hours a day. David Phillips, associate director of the Asia Pacific Institute of Aging Studies points out, too much sleep can cause depression, lazy and mentally not active. Everything this is not beneficial for long life.

6. Combing the hair
Combing the hair means massaging the scalp and sweeping dirt and dead skin cells on the head. combing the also helps the sebaceous glands to secrete his oil. Use good comb of natural materials such as wood. Comb from plastic will probably create static electricity from hair. Comb that gently could become massage tool which good for the head. On the head also there are many acupuncture points. Massaging the points it help blood circulation and relieve skin that tension.

7. Foot massage
Feet are often overlooked in everyday life. Whereas in Traditional Chinese Medicine, foot health is important for body health and must be kept his health. Foot have a lot acupuncture points that are connected with all parts of the body. Of course it affects the health of the entire body. 

Foot massage can stimulate the body's vital functions, removes toxins, improve blood circulation and reduce tension. In short, a foot massage improve the balance of yin and yang, at once improve the health of the entire body.

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It's a Gals Night Out

What's not to love? A night out with your best girlfriends. Shopping, wine, cooking demonstrations, fashion show, jewelry, silent auction, giveaways and door prizes.. And all the proceeds help other women overcome domestic violence. It’s a night on the town to help others.
(And if you need even more reason to come, log into the blog
tomorrow to learn about how your support helped one woman who endured the unthinkable.)
Join us April 11th for an Evening of Beauty
Evening of Beauty
Thursday April 11th
5:00 – 8:00 PM
Williams Center
1072 Troy Schenectady Road
Latham, NY
Join us for a silent auction (featuring items from BOTOX Cosmetic , Radiesse, Juvederm, Restylane Peels, Spa & Salon Certificates, gift baskets), light refreshments, cooking class, wine tasting, fashion show, giveaways, door prizes and more!
$25 pre-registration; $35 at the door
RSVP (518) 786-7000

Proceeds to benefit DVRC of Saratoga County and Face to Face

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Breastfeeding can lower risk of death from cancer much as 10%

Breastfeeding can lower risk of death from cancer much as 10%
Breastfeeding the baby
Various research has been shown good benefits of breastfeeding for babies, content of antibiotics in breast milk are known can increase the baby's immune. But good benefits of breastfeeding also felt by the mothers, which can reduce cancer risk up to 10 percent.

A recent study showed that women who breastfeed up to more than 6 months, experiencing a reduced risk of death a result of all types of cancers much as 10 percent and heart attack much as 17 percent.

In addition, the breastfeeding mothers who maintain a healthy diet and physically active lifestyle also experiencing risk reduction of death a result of respiratory diseases and circulatory disorders. The research involved more than 380,000 people from 9 countries in Europe, which has been observed during the 12-year study period. The results of this study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

All research participants advised to follow the seven recommendations of the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR), which includes weight management, physical activity, eating more much on vegetables, reducing the consumption of meat and alcohol, as well as feeding the baby (for women).

"This study supports the role of lifestyle recommendations on the prevention of cancer, circulatory disorders and respiratory," said Anne-Claire Vergnaud, writers and researchers from Imperial College of London, School of Public Health.

Specifically, participants who followed the WCRF and AICR guidelines, have a lower risk of death a result of respiratory diseases much as 50 percent, while the risk of circulatory disorders and cancer, respectively reduced much as 44 and 20 percent compared with participants who did not obey with the recommendation.

After sifting through a factor of recommendations WCRF and AICR it, the women who breastfeed his baby up to more than 6 months, were known to have a reduced risk of death a result of all types of cancer up to 10 percent.

Previous studies have been shown that breastfeeding can decrease development opportunities non-responsive hormone that triggers cancer. Moreover, with breastfeeding, a mother can maintain a certain regimen that can protect from cancer.

A research also suggests that breastfeeding can help delay the process of ovulation where the egg cells are released and exposure of the ovaries with estrogen-rich fluid, where thing this claimed as one of the main causes of ovarian cancer.

Men could be impotence just because of toothache

Men could be impotence just because toothache
Men are usually more indifferent when feel there are symptoms of disease in her body, including toothache. But start now it seems you must more pay attention on dental health if you do not want to erectile dysfunction, aka the impotence at a young age.

A new study found that men who experience problems on teeth and gums two times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. The research results are already published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, explains that when people suffer from gum disease, bacteria from the mouth can enter into the blood.

Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria can affect the blood vessels and arteries, causing it to harden and narrows, as occurs in heart disease. Well, the effect on the blood vessels this can also increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.

As is known, has been much research shown that erectile dysfunction is an early warning sign of heart disease. This case because the body needs a good blood supply for erection and blood vessels in a smaller area such as penis.

This research was conducted by the scientists from Inonu University, Turkey. Researchers studied a group of normal men (a sign of erectile dysfunction) and other groups with erectile dysfunction. Researchers found that 53 percent of men with erectile dysfunction suffer from severe gum disease, while only 23 percent of those who do not have the disease.

"This relationship may seem frivolous, but research clearly shows that severe gum disease as a possible cause of erectile dysfunction," said Dr. Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation.

According to Dr. Carter, not only oral health are become triggers erectile dysfunction, but also self-confidence, self-esteem and relationships with partners. To avoid it, there are a number of things that you can do to stop the progression of gum disease.

"Disposing of food which trapped in between the teeth, near with the gum line is a very important step to prevent gum disease. Use interdental brushes or flossing is the best way to do this. Brushing own only cleans 60 percent of the surface of the tooth, so this is the best way to remove plaque, causes gum disease, "close Dr. Carter.

No Need to Near, Which is Important Many Friends Could Be Key Longevity

No Need to Near, Which is Important Many Friends Could Be Key Longevity
The key to a long life there are many in his method, ranging from exercise up to eating certain foods. But a new study adds that the key to a long life is not only raced on the quality of friendship relations with a group of people but also the number of friends who owned.

In particular, this study revealed that elderly people who have regular communication with family, friends or his neighbor can live longer than their peers who rarely interact with family, friends or his neighbor. 

Even a good interaction with the shopkeeper, or social workers which they encountered when shopping or a walk in the park can also give a positive impact on health. "Social interaction really should be done by the elderly to maintain connections or relationships with other people, such as with family, friends, relatives and neighbors," said Andrew Steptoe, professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London. 

The conclusion was obtained after the research team observed social interaction conducted by 6,500 people aged above 50 years. Participants were also asked about whether they felt lonely or not. 7,5 Years later, recorded there were 918 participants who died, majority because of health problems such as coronary heart disease, cancer and the respiratory tract diseases.

From there, researchers know the risk of death in participants who were most socially isolated increased by more than a quarter compared with participants who regularly interact with the people around him. Interestingly, although the elderly often feel lonely because of loss of a spouse or live far away with her ​​children, in fact, loneliness this does not affecting the mortality rate. It means having people who can invited talk about health conditions or just to remind them to take medication and check-ups character crucial for the elderly.

"Moreover, feeling of solitude it was nothing more than the subjective experience of the participants, such as the existence of isolated or just have a little friends. Not mean people who feel lonely are also isolated from his social environment. Indeed number of people who independent, and would rather spend time with himself own, more can be categorized as people who an isolated, "explained Professor Steptoe.

In other words, Professor Steptoe said this study emphasizes that social connections are key to long-term health, not just friendship quality but only a social contact is fundamental.

This study has been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

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Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Do not much eating of processed meat, in order not to exposed by enteritis

Do not much eating of processed meat, in order not to exposed by enteritis
Most people limit their consumption of meat with reasons to avoid high blood pressure or hypertension. You may be also need to limit the consumption of processed meat, as this has been associated with the development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Increasingly a lot research that links between omega-6 fatty acids the highest, through consumption of processed meat with risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD-Inflammatory Bowel Disease) such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

A recent study conducted by researchers from Baylor College of Medicine and published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, has been studied the results of 19 separate studies which conducted on a total of 2609 patients in the IBD and 4,000 people in a healthy controls.

Researchers found that people with the highest intake of a fruit and fiber foods, have the lowest risk to the IBD. While people are most likely to develop this disease are those who more much consume saturated fat, mono and polyunsaturated fats, and omega-6 fatty acids from processed meat.

Ulcerative colitis is characterized with inflammation of the interior lining the rectum and colon. Adults aged 20 to 30 years, are most likely to develop ulcerative colitis disease, although it can also occur in children and older adults.

While Crohn's disease can affect every part of the intestine and is usually spread deeper into in the network. The disease usually develops in adults who are aged between 20 to 40 years.

Although the specific symptoms of IBD very varied, but generally include severe stomach pain and bloody diarrhea. Because can inhibit the body's ability in absorbing nutrients, IBD can put patients at risk of malnutrition.

Changes in lifestyle with healthy food diet, complementary therapies, and alternative can help manage the disease. However in the case of severe IBD, patients may need to do a surgical removal of the colon.

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An Unforgettable Thank You

I don't know her name. But I'll never forget her words. I think of them whenever spring's first warm rays of sun beat down on my shoulders... and into my heart.

We were at a public event and she took me aside and told me she’d been a client at DVRC. She said she never even thought of herself as a domestic violence victim (she’d never been physically abused), and only came to our agency at  the suggestion of a friend.

She’d been in this relationship for several years and the verbal and emotional abuse just became normal for her,

“Our relationship was like that for so long I didn’t even think about it anymore. It was like the last weeks of winter when it’s been cold and gray for so long you forget what warmth feels like. You forget about green buds on bushes and the colors of flowers. It’s just gray and cold.

Then I came to DVRC and spoke to a counselor and my life changed. I realized my partner’s constant criticism and anger were his problem, not a reflection of me. That day was like that first warm day in spring. You know the day. It’s when you walk outside and look up at the sky then take your sweater off for the first time in so many months… and you bask in the warmth of the sunshine.

Coming to DVRC was the day that ended the longest winter of my life.”

Whenever the first warm days of spring come I think of her words, and give thanks.

§  First I give thanks to her for so eloquently reminding us why we do this work.

§  Then I give thanks to my staff. Every day-- 24 hours a day –they help people through the crisis, help them transform their lives. Hearing stories of abuse day in and day out can be overwhelming. But they do it because they make a difference. This was just one woman. DVRC helps 1,000 people (men, women and children) just like her each year.

§  Lastly, I give thanks that someone out there cared enough about a friend to tell her so and directed her to DVRC.  It takes courage to start that conversation, but think what a difference it made for this woman. If you know of someone who may need help, talk to them. No winter should last forever.

Related post:
Be a Friend. Break the Silence http://feel-health.blogspot.com/2013/03/be-friend-break-silence.html

50 home remedies for treating premature graying of hair naturally

Though one cannot prevent the natural cycle of whitening of hair, but you can always  prevent your hair from premature graying. You can always choose a healthy diet

Diet- Your diet plays very important role in retaining the natural colour of your hair. Eat foods rich in iron, vitamin A, B, and minerals. Food high in zinc, iron and copper help keep hair healthy. Hair shedding can be caused by a deficiency in zinc. Low amounts of copper in the body can reduce melanin. Sources of zinc are red meat, chicken and green vegetables. Beef, eggs, red meat, wheat and sunflower seeds are good sources of iron. Cashews, almonds, crabs, oysters and egg yolks are good sources of copper.

Eat dark green vegetables, yellow fruits, cauliflower, banana, tomato, cereals, kidney, liver, yogurt, yeast, wheat germ ,etc.

Take iron rich foods like sunflower seeds, red meat, dried apricots, wheat, parsley ,etc .

You must eat iodine rich foods like banana, carrots, fish etc. 

Take foods rich in anti oxidants for destroying the free radicals which damage the hair cells. Avoid oily, fried, fatty, and spicy foods . 

Eat foods rich in para -aminobenzoic acid (PABA) like kidney, liver, yeast, whole grains, etc. 

Minimize the intake of tea, coffee ,and alcohol. Take vitamin B12, and pantothenic acid( vitamin B5) supplements in your diet. Drink a lot of water. Quit smoking

Following are some home remedies for treating premature graying of hair naturally. Home remedies are very  helpful  in curing premature graying of hair  effectively. 

1. Boil a few Amla (Indian gooseberry) pieces in coconut oil till they turn black. Apply this mixture on your hair to cure premature graying of hair naturally at home.

2. Grate the ginger, and mix it with a spoon of honey to eat this mixture everyday to treat premature graying of hair naturally.

3. Massage coconut oil, and lemon juice on your scalp to treat premature graying of hair naturally. Follow this home remedy for getting shiny ,and healthy hair naturally.

4. Massage cow's milk butter on your scalp to treat premature graying of hair naturally at home .Follow this easy home remedy twice a week.

5. Boil curry leaves in coconut oil till the leaves become black. Apply on your scalp, and hair roots as a hair tonic for hair loss and bringing back the hair pigmentation .Curry leaves contain a natural pigment to retain the natural color of your hair. Curry leaves can be used with buttermilk, or curd to prevent your hair from becoming gray.

6. Apply the mixture of 2 spoons of henna powder, 1 spoon of yogurt, 1 spoon of fenugreek paste, 3 spoons of coffee, 2 spoons of basil leaves paste, and 3 spoons of mint juice on your hair. Shampoo after 3 hours .Use this home remedy regularly to treat premature graying of hair naturally at home.

7. Put ribbed gourd (torai) in coconut oil for 3-4 hours, and boil this mixture till it turns black. Massage your hair with this oil to cure premature graying of hair.

8. Take 1 spoon of table salt in 1 cup of strong black tea without milk .Massage your hair with this water. Wash off after 1 hour. Follow this home remedy regularly to cure premature graying of hair.

9. The juice of onion is an extremely helpful home remedy in curing premature graying of hair and giving reddish tinge to your hair .This treatment is very helpful in curing baldness, and hair loss naturally at home.

10. Always use a mild herbal shampoo to wash your hair .

11. Apply 1 gm of black pepper, and 1/2 cup of curd for treating premature graying of hair. You can add the juice of lemon in this preparation too.

12. Boil chamomile in water for 20 minutes to make a tea.Let this mixture cool down, and strain it to use this water on your hair to treat premature graying of hair naturally at home.

13. Apply amla paste or, amla oil on your hair to blacken and thicken your hair.

14. Wash your hair with lemon water to treat graying of hair .Lemon is a natural coloring agent that gives brownish tinge to your hair if applied regularly.

15. Mix rosemary, and sage tea in equal amount in 1 cup of water. Steep, and strain the liquid to use as a natural colorant for your hair. Follow this home remedy to color your gray hair naturally at home.

16. Henna mixed in coconut oil is a nice home remedy for bringing back the dark brown color in the hair.

17. Massage amla juice, almond oil, and lemon juice together for curing gray hair. Amla is the best ingredient for the renewal of pigmentation in your hair. Try this home remedy for beautiful, and shiny hair.

18. Soak up a few dried amla pieces for few hours .Use them with the tea decoction, and 1 spoon of eucalyptus oil. Let this mixture stay in an iron container overnight. Apply this mixture with curd, lemon juice, and an egg in the morning. Follow this home remedy as a cure for premature graying of hair once in 15 days.

19. Tea extract in concentration form gives dark brown, or black color.

20. Soak up 10-12 soap nut seeds, and 3 to 4 shikakai(acacia concinna) pods in 1 pint of water .Soak up 10-12 amla pieces separately in 2 cups of water. Boil soap nut seeds with shikakai ,and strain this mixture to make a shampoo at home. Strain the amla mixture separately to use as a conditioner .This home remedy is a boon to your hair whether you suffer from graying of hair, thinning of hair, dull hair, or hair fall .This treatment will cure all hair related problems naturally .

21. Take amla juice orally daily to restore your natural pigment of your hair .Amla juice will prevent premature aging too.

22. Rubbing your fingernails together increases the blood circulation in your scalp to cure gray hair and strengthen the roots to treat hair loss/baldness.

23. Guava's leaves are very effective in curing premature graying of hair.

24. Apply the fresh juice of amaranth to retain the natural pigment of your hair and curing hair loss naturally at home. It is very helpful home remedy.

25. Apply almond oil, and lemon juice for 30-40 minutes as a home remedy to cure premature graying of hair naturally at home.

26. Apply aloe vera gel for curing premature graying of hair naturally at home.

27. Apply rosemary oil to blacken your hair.

28. Boil 250 grams of mustard oil with 60 grams of henna leaves , and apply this preparation on your hair to cure your gray hair naturally.

29. Apply ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) on our scalp to increase the melanin content of your hair. Try this treatment for treating your gray hair.

30. Apply Ligustrum on the hair as a treatment for premature graying of hair naturally at home. It is very popular chinese herb used for restoring the natural color of your hair and curing gray hair naturally.

31. Take biotin to slow down the gray hair's progression naturally at home. Egg yolks, yeast soybeans, tomatoes, carrots,cow's milk,goat's milk, oats, walnuts, cucumbers, almonds are some good sources of biotin.

32. Try bhringraj oil (Eclipta alba) for blackening your hair .You can take bhringraj orally to get black ,thick, and shiny hair naturally at home .

33. Never use blow-dryer to dry your hair as it causes gray hair.

34. Try Motia rosha oil on your hair to cure premature graying, splits ends, hair loss and giving luster to your dull hair.Motia rosha oil stimulates the pigment cells of your hair and very helpful in treating gray hair, and insomnia.

35. Soak up henna overnight, and in the morning, apply with walnut pulp for treating premature graying of hair and giving beautiful tinge to your hair naturally at home.

36. Take copper supplement colloidal copper orally to fight premature graying of hair.

37. Apply sesame oil, or olive oil with bottle gourd juice to treat premature graying of hair. This home remedy will give you shiny, black ,and thick hair naturally .

38. Apply henna , the juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 spoon of coffee powder ,and an egg for 45 minutes. This treatment will cure your gray hair naturally at home.

39. Wash your hair with omega-3 rich shampoo, and oils like Emu oil to cure premature graying of hair .The oil containing omega -3 rejuvenates the pigment generating cells called melanocytes.Mira oil can also be tried at home.

40. Apply eugenol oil (clove oil) for treating premature graying of hair naturally .

41. You can try anti-graying tablets, and creams like Melancor, Reminex, Fo-Ti Root, Shen Min ,and Restoria discreet.

42. Steep dried sage leaves in water for 2 hours , and use this preparation for rinsing your hair .This treatment will blacken your gray hair naturally.

43. You should take foods rich in folic acid like dark green vegetables,leafy vegetables,cereals,cowpeas,braised beef's liver,etc.

44. You can take buttermilk with 2 spoons each of yeast ,and wheat germ daily to cure your gray hair.

45. Neem oil prevents graying of hair. Try this home remedy for curing all scalp infections as well.

46. Pour the outer hulls of some black walnuts in water for making tea, and use this preparation as a natural colorant for your gray hair. Black walnut is an excellent natural hair colorant . The effect of this home remedy will last up to 6 weeks in inspite of washing the hair regularly.

47. You can use black walnuts for coloring your gray hair .Boil a few black walnuts in water for 15-20 minutes .Keep on your hair for 30 minutes to color your gray hair naturally at home. Eat 5-6 walnuts daily as they are the rich sources of copper, and zinc. Both are responsible for the formation of melanin.

48. Apply arnica oil on your hair to treat premature graying of hair. Arnica oil is made from the dried arnica flowers.These flowers' anti-inflammatory properties treat premature graying, hair loss / baldness at home naturally.

49. Apply brahmi hair oil for curing premature graying of hair ,dandruff, and splits ends at home naturally.

50. Apply gooseberry with mango seeds on your hair to cure gray hair naturally at home.

Important tips- Always stay away from using harmful chemicals on your hair like hair color, hair styling gel , etc. Wash your hair 4 times a week to maintain the hygiene of hair to have shiny hair.

Use fresh water(not hot) water for washing your hair. Never let the unnecessary worries plague your head to avoid the premature graying of hair. 

Take care of your hair after severe illness as the condition of your hair worsens after sever illness. Exercise regularly to keep the blood well circulated .Sleep well to avoid gray hair.
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Does coconut water help in diabetes

This post is dedicated to one of my friend +Ben Erl , he asked me how coconut water can benefit in diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin or to use the insulin produced in the proper way. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death among Americans; over 15 million Americans suffer from one form or another of this disease.

Coconut water
The coconut “water”, inside the nut, is sterile, and safer to drink than the often microbially-infested surface waters. The mineral profile of the coconut water (not coconut “milk”, which is made with pulp) is almost exactly the mineral electrolyte profile your cells need for health — potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, copper along with vital amino acids. Although “fatty”, coconuts contain no cholesterol.

Coconut water, that delightful clear liquid extracted from green coconuts extremely healthy. Fresh coconuts are an alkaline pH food, and so they can help combat the modern acid-producing life-style which eats away at your circulatory system and organs. Coconuts are also a high-fiber, low-glycemic food and they have a low carb profile along with their protein. Every ounce of shredded coconut contains about 5 grams of fiber. Your quota of fiber should aim to be around 30 - 35 grams, daily.

It has a lot of nutritional properties that can help in the treatment of various ailments. Among these nutritional benefits of coconut water, is the control of diabetes. Yes, coconut water is good for diabetics because it is rich in a lot of nutrients that are required by diabetics to keep their sugar levels in control. Let us discuss it here, how coconut water is good for diabetics.

Improves your blood circulation
Due to improper blood circulation in their body diabetic persons generally experience some discomforting symptoms like numbness in their feet, kidney failure and even loss of vision. Consumption of coconut water, has the ability to improve the blood circulation within the body. It helps to widen the blood vessels (which get constricted due to the formation of plaque within them), and thus helps the blood to flow smoothly through them. This, in turn, gives relief from some of the symptoms and helps to fight against atherosclerosis.

Helps Controlling your weight
Drinking coconut water has the ability to satiate your hunger, and prevent you from eating in excess. Not just that, it has tremendous nutritional values of minerals, salts, good fats and absolutely no cholesterol. One important thing that diabetics are always required to keep a watch on, apart from their sugar intake, is their weight. Plus, it's extremely palatable. So you can relish the goodness of a glass of coconut water as a midday snack when your stomach grumbles in hunger.

Improves Metabolism
Coconut water can be included in diabetics diet plan as it has some properties that enable a faster metabolic rate in your body. When your metabolic rate increases, your body is digesting and burning the sugars fast. As a consequence, the insulin in the blood is also getting burned faster. This means you have more energy in your body. So, coconut water
is a favorable inclusion that diabetics can make in their diet, at least twice a week.

It is Low in Carbs and high in fibre
Coconut water is the perfect example of a food item that qualifies as a low carb and high fiber one, especially for diabetics. You can enjoy a glass full of coconut water and also indulge yourself in the super soft and delicious flesh of a young coconut.

Provides vital nutrients
Coconut water, in addition to the above-mentioned uses, also contains minerals, anti-oxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, etc. all of which are necessary for diabetics to control their sugar level and also their weight. When you drink coconut water, and your metabolism rate increases (as mentioned above), your blood also begins to carry oxygen more efficiently. When your blood has enough oxygen, you have more energy and you can carry out your daily activities with ease.

Naturally anti viral
Coconut is a potent anti-viral food and it is proving to be helpful in combating yeast-infections and the Epstein-Barr like virus which is associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, too. Lauric acid and caprylic acid are the most effective, active anti-virals.

Those were some of the major advantages that the consumption of coconut water by diabetics can lead to. It is a delicious cold beverage that you can enjoy at any time of the day. However, remember that anything taken in excess can cause problems later on. So, even if you know that coconut water is good for diabetics, drink it in moderation, and after the consultation of your doctor to reap its many benefits.

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Study: The Miraculous Benefits of Coffee to Protect Liver

Study: The Miraculous Benefits of Coffee to Protect Liver
When feeling sleepy incredible, a lot of people who then ran into the coffee. Besides can repel drowsiness, coffee also has other special functions that can protect liver damage, especially in those who frequently consume alcoholic drinks.

The conclusion it was obtained from a new study which not yet long done. In the research, researchers asked about coffee consumption towards nearly 19,000 Finnish men and women who aged 25 to 74 years who consumed alcohol.

"Our findings suggest the possibility of a protective effect of coffee intake on consumers of alcoholic drinks," said one researcher, Dr. Onni Niemela, of Seinajoki Central Hospital and University of Tampere in Finland.

In the research, Dr. Onni measuring blood of participant-specific on levels liver enzyme gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT). Because drinking alcoholic drinks can increase GGT levels in the blood. Even liquor can cause liver disease on the alcoholic.

One of the men who undergo this test admitted consuming more than 24 alcoholic drinks per week, or approximately 3.5 drinks in a day. The test results showed that he has the highest levels of the liver enzyme, which is about three times higher than men who did not drink alcohol.

Among them are alcoholics, it turns out there are a coffee connoisseur. They consume as much as five cups of coffee or more every his day. It turns out from the tests showed a 50 percent reduction in GGT compared with men who did not drink coffee.

Although there are no differences in the variables between heavy drinkers, moderate drinkers, and former drinkers and non-drinkers in this research, the researchers are still can not determine with certainty whether the interaction between alcohol and one of these factors influence the outcome.

The researchers found that the way of presenting of coffee that is ready to drink, filtered, boiled or in the form of espresso does not make a difference in these findings. Previous research says there is a possibility that caffeine plays a role in this.

To be known, the researchers found no significant association between coffee consumption and levels of GGT in women drinkers. And also, in addition to alcoholic drinks it can also be triggered by smoking, an older age and overweight.

With the existence this research does not mean you are free to consume alcohol because it can be 'saved' by coffee. Drinking coffee also should not be excessive because not good for health, especially for your blood pressure.

Were You in Dallas Last Saturday?

I wasn’t in Dallas last Saturday, but wish I had been. Nearly 5,000 people rallied to end domestic violence…5,000! Dallas has experienced an overall decline in crimes, except domestic violence. Dallas’ domestic homicides, men killing their partners, increased from 10 murders in 2011 to 26 in 2012. So Mayor Mike Rawlings and other leaders are waging a community-wide campaign to end intimate partner violence.

My thoughts?

§  Five thousand people showing up to support that ending domestic violence is a priority. Wow! I’m impressed.

§  The focus was on the actions of the abusers, not on judging the victims. It’s too easy to just say, “Why didn’t the victim leave?”  Clearly victims need services to gain safety, recover, heal and begin a new life as survivors, not victims. But focusing on victims isn’t the solution; eliminating abusive behaviors is. This rally was about straight talk to men about not committing acts of abuse. Mayor Rawlings addressed the crowd saying, “I want to talk to the men now. This violence is our fault.”

§  And that’s where the conversation makes me uncomfortable. As soon as we frame domestic violence as men abusing women, we’ve made it a women’s issue. Yes, it’s true that intimate partner violence disproportionality affects women (the National Coalition against Domestic Violence estimates 85% of victims are women). But there are women who abuse men, and men who abuse men, and women who abuse their female partners.  Let’s take that call to action one step further… let’s talk to everyone about ending abusive actions.

§  All-in-all, I give Mayor Rawlings high praise for his leadership in addressing domestic violence and in bringing so many people together to take action. Five thousand people is a good start to a movement… may it be just the first steps.

6 Things that can cause failed in weight loss diet

6 Things that can cause failed in weight loss diet
Eat too much (overeating) usually occurs on people whose patterns of eat it regular or rarely eating with big portion. It's just that because certain reason, these people suddenly want to eating continues or able to spend a lot of food in one time.

Which is clear, overeating will only give a negative impact on health. For it, identify triggers overeating can be a first step which significant to overcome the condition.

Here are 6 reasons that drive a person to eat excessively, among others:

1. Environment friendship
Almost every person surely ever experienced periods where when doing a diet but on ultimately encouraged by his friends to eat out or buy unhealthy snacks such as fried foods.

For it, remind yourself that you are undergoing a healthy diet, because want to lose weight and keep fit because it's for your own sake, not for the sake your friends.

Strengthen the faith and act firmly on your decision. Eventually your friends will receive your choice and do not 'force' you for follow their wishes. Even can be they will follow the changes in your lifestyle.

2. Size Equipment for Eating
Size equipment for eating that is used in various restaurants or places to eat can be a major contributor to the occurrence of overeating. Many eating places tend to wear big plate and fancy for presentation, but it is not necessarily fit with the portions, but for food that is consumed daily plates used ideally in the medium-sized or small.

Make changes from there and look at the effect on your food intake.

3. Fatigue
Many people who misinterpret the symptoms of fatigue due to lack of sleep with hungry. For it, make sure you get enough hours of sleep every night is between 6-8 hours.

Moreover, note certain hours where you feel most fatigue. Once you succeed to find a pattern, you will with easy fight fatigue it, and you will be easier to choose to consume healthy snacks than junk food.

4. Eating too fast
Are you able to spend your food only in less time than 10 minutes? If you can do it in less time than 20 minutes, you could be experiencing a risk of overeating. Therefore it, eat slowly and chew your food with true so that you feel full faster.

5. Bored
When attacked by boredom, people usually 'wreak' themselves with watching television and consume a number of unhealthy foods. Even at work, of course there are times when a worker feels unhappy and bored then choose to snacking to relieve boredom.

The experts also make sure there are millions of people overeat just because they feel bored or not interested in doing something. If it happens, you must smart to identify the root of the problem. If not, continue to keep busy yourself in order not overeat.

6. Dehydration
If you do not have an adequate fluid intake, you will tend to overeat. For it, make sure you drink much water throughout the day. If you are unfamiliar, start with the habit of drinking a glass of water before eating, after waking up and before sleep.

Hopefully useful for you...
Thank you..