Rabu, 28 November 2012

5 natural ways this can be overcome constipation in babies

(Photo: ThinkStock)
Constipation is a very unpleasant condition for adults and even this can happen to the baby. You can relieve constipation in infants by providing a safe natural treatment for babies.

If the baby is crying and the latter rarely defecate, your baby may be constipated. Overcome constipation in infants in a natural way, as reported OnlyMyHealth, Monday (26/11/2012) as follows:

1. Natural Laxatives
You can create a natural laxative that is safe for babies, with plums soaking in hot water and leave overnight. Drinks a teaspoon of water soaking into the plum baby.

If you have trouble finding a plum, use chopped apples. Plums, apples, peaches, pears, peas, and spinach are known to naturally treat constipation in infants. Compounds contained in these foods can soften the stool and overcome constipation.

2. Treatment through breastfeeding
The baby can feel what foods are consumed by the mother through the milk they drink. So that mothers need to increase the intake of drinking water for up to 6 or 7 glasses of mineral water every day. Mother also need to take natural laxatives such as apple juice or plum.

Also you need to increase the intake of fibrous foods such as vegetables and fruits that baby smooth digestion and avoid constipation.

3. Avoid certain foods for babies
Baby's digestive system can not process food with less optimal, so that certain solid foods may cause constipation. For example, bananas are still quite raw, is a common cause of constipation, choose bananas that have been thoroughly cooked and tender.

Eggs also have a binding effect in the colon, and should be avoided until the baby is at least twelve months.

4. Massaging your baby's tummy
Massage your baby's tummy gently clockwise, then bathe the baby with warm water. This can make the baby's body to relax and re-heat can accelerate digestion and disposal of feces obstructed.

5. Exercise legs
Bantu baby to do light exercise with laid and make baby moving, kicking like he was cycling. It can help ease the friction on both the intestinal tract and to reduce gas.

Source:  OnlyMyHealth

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