Senin, 26 November 2012

Adolescent This 7 Times Experience a Heart Attack Because Drink the Pill KB

Alyce Clark (dok. dailymail)
Cliffe, Kent, aka pill pill is not designed for girls who are not married, let alone a teenager. Because the pill, a teenager had to be rushed to the hospital because of a heart attack seven times.

At the age of 19 years, Alyce Clark collapsed from a heart attack after taking birth control pills regularly Microgynon for a month. While traveling in an ambulance from his home to the hospital, paramedics had seven lives Alyce help a heart attack.

His condition was so severe, until his parents Roger (61 years) and Freda (60 years old) were asked to say 'good-bye' on his beautiful princess.

"I was bleeding through the nose and mouth. Invited my parents to say goodbye and not so much chance for survival," recalls Alyce Clark who is now aged 22 years, as reported by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (27/11/2012).

CT scans revealed there are hundreds of blood clots in veins from the legs to the heart and then to both lungs. But after an emergency injection of anti-clotting medication, and two days in intensive care, Alyce finally started to recover.

"The doctor told me if (age) I have more than 25 years, my brain will be damaged for life, but I was young and was able to recover," added Alyce, from Cliffe, Kent.

As a teenager, Alyce is a very healthy girl. He loved sports, not smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs. More than three years of testing performed by a specialist at University College London to confirm the condition of Alyce.

As a result, heart attack caused by birth control pills. He was finally relieved to know the cause of a severe heart attack.

Microgynon pill is one of the most popular in the UK. As with other combination oral contraceptives, sex hormone pills contain synthetic versions of estrogen and progesterone. Microgynon company said the drug was only 'slightly increases' risk of blood clots.

Source:  Daily Mail

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