Selasa, 20 November 2012

Alert, toxication warmers the room

Warming room  (Photo: Telegraph)
HAVE A form of traditional stove heating it will add a beautiful room you. But if it is not installed properly, it will poison you and your family.

About 40 people died in one year in England and Wales due to carbon monoxide poisoning that comes from the furnace. Winter have started to come, make a lot of people use traditional furnaces.

Furnace assessed cheaper because of high fuel prices. However, if not careful risk of gas poisoning is high, as reported by the Telegraph.

Carbon monoxide will be produced when the combustion process. If there is no air neutralizer and is in the room with inadequate ventilation, then it would be quite dangerous.

"To reduce the risk, you should ensure that combustion appliances and fuel wood was in the form of checks regularly," said Dr. John Harrison of the HPA.

Inhalation of carbon monoxide gas will bind to hemoglobin in the blood 200 times more easily than oxygen. So that inhaling large amounts can lead to organ systems, especially the heart, brain and nerve deprived of oxygen.

Besides death, there were about 4,000 people had to be treated due to gas poisoning. Although most are not too severe, but long-term exposure to carbon monoxide will cause neurological effects such as having trouble concentrating.

Source:  Telegraph

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