Selasa, 20 November 2012

It is He, a sexual health problem that is often experienced by men

Healthy men (Photo: Kennowen)
NOT many people know what should be considered in male sexual health. Here are some things to know about the health of men their sex organs.

Maintaining overall body health is certainly very important. Including keeping your intimate organ of all diseases. Especially when dealing with the health of your sex organs. Sensitive parts will certainly interfere if any health problems arise.

Here are things you should know about the health issues of sexual organs, as reported by livestrong.

Guard against itchy

It may sound simple but quite disturbing if you feel it. Itchy red rash usually spreads to the thighs and the area around your penis. Sometimes itching also appears on the shaft of your penis, constantly itch and uncomfortable. Some even appeared itching due to athlete's foot. Scratching the area will actually make things worse. Consult a doctor to ask for medical treatment.

Urination problems

Urinary tract infections would interfere with all the functions of male sexual organs, both during urination or ejaculation. Urinary Infection is usually drains characterized by fever, and issued a urine and blood. Sometimes back pain relief and abdominal pain. If left untreated, the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections can spread through the bloodstream and cause more serious complications.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases like warts on the sex organs, gonorrhea and AIDS can have adverse long-term consequences of health and your future. If you frequent sexual intercourse is better to use a safety device. The use of condoms will help to maintain sexual health.

Erection problems

Erectile dysfunction is a disease that is rampant and feared men today. Some physical causes of impotence can include poor circulation, diabetes, and psychological side effects. Usually men are too embarrassed to talk about this. And if left untreated, you could not find the right medication, because you do not know for sure the main cause.

Maintaining men's sexual health

Recommended to do a woman's sex organs annually. For the men, you can perform the examination at any time, especially if you feel discomfort in your intimate parts or pain relief. Perform routine inspection, before symptoms appear, it can ensure a healthy sex life.

Source:  Livestrong

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