Selasa, 27 November 2012

The cause of your underarm odor

Eating red meat Photo: Body & Soul

Body odor can be a big problem for someone. It is true, the problem of smelly sweat that can be influenced by diet, use of drugs to work.

However, the food you eat turns participated causes body odor. So, what the hell food or beverages that should be avoided? Consider the following explanation, which was launched by Body & Soul (26/11).

Most of the alcohol is processed by the liver, but about 10 percent is excreted through sweat, breath and urine. Alcohol also makes you sweat more. Caffeinated beverages can also cause the same thing.

Garlic trigger body odor because it contains allicin, a compound that is released when garlic is cut or crushed. Spices also has a strong aroma, resulting sulfur gas is absorbed blood and excreted through the pores of the skin. This is what triggers your body odor smells.

A study in Prague suggests that meat-eaters have body odor compared to reassure vegetarians. The digestive system takes a long time to process the meat. If food is not digested properly will cause a foul odor in the digestive tract. The stench in the digestive system also cause body odor.

Foods rich in methyl
Instead, avoid foods containing methyl compound, the main cause of body odor, which are contained in spinach, beets and soy products.

Source:  Body and Soul

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