Minggu, 25 November 2012

Dizziness because low blood pressure? Overcome with this natural way

(Photo: ThinkStock)
Unlike high blood pressure (hypertension), low blood pressure and Occurs without definite symptoms Often neglected until someone felt so weak, headache, and fever. To Overcome this, you can increase of blood pressure in a natural way that is safe.

Low blood pressure is a fairly common condition experienced by some people, resulting from delays in the supply of oxygen and essential Nutrients to the brain. This might be due to lack of drinking, lack of sleep, and menstrual abnormalities.

If this condition is allowed to continue then the blood pressure can reach the lower limit of 90/60 mmHg. Symptoms you may feel if the blood pressure almost reached the limit Stop include dizziness, frequent yawning, vision dizzy, especially after rising from sitting, sweating, rapid fatigue, and fainting.

You can increase of blood pressure in a natural way, as reported OnlyMyHealth, Monday (11/26/2012), among others in the following ways:

1. Drinking raw beet juice
Fruit juice raw bits Considered the most effective natural remedies to Overcome low blood pressure. A Person Suffering from low blood pressure should drink a cup of beet juice twice a day. Increased blood pressure will start to Appear within a week.

2. black coffee
If you feel dizzy or weak, drink a cup of black coffee without milk can help you relieve headache quickly.

3. Drinking salt water
People with low blood pressure should eat salty foods until his blood pressure close to normal range. If necessary, you should drink a glass of salt water to increase blood pressure naturally.

4. light exercise
People with low blood pressure should do light exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming and yoga regularly. Patients who are concerned should also get some sunshine and fresh air air by spending more time outdoors.

5. Drinking milk with almonds
7 grains soak almonds in a bowl of water and leave overnight. Peel the skin of almonds the next day and then puree and add the almond paste into a glass of warm milk and drink it.

6. Drinking water basil
Take 15 leaves of basil and tumbuklah until smooth, then brewed with hot water and strain the sari-sari. Add honey to the water and steeping basil drink on an empty stomach to get the maximum effect.

7. eating raisins
Soak raisins in a bowl of water and leave overnight. Eat raisins next day on an empty stomach with a glass of water.

Source:  OnlyMyHealth

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