Rabu, 21 November 2012

Not Just Masturbation, Much Sitting Also Make knee Kopong!

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
In association with bone and joint health, many believed to be as dangerous as sitting masturbation. Both can cause damage to the knee joint, so it is deteriorating or in layman's terms is called hollow.

In fact many sit arguably more dangerous, since the experts have disputed the notion that masturbation can lead to knee hollow. The layman is also a growing number who believe that the activities satisfy lust with his own hands that do not damage the knee joint.

The risk of knee damage from too much sitting it just recently came to light, after researchers from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy conducted a survey in the UK. The number of respondents who observed reaching 1,600 adults.

The results showed, 25 percent of respondents experiencing pain due to damage to the knee joint up to 2 years. Largely due to the lifestyle that too much sitting, partly exacerbated by excessive weight.

"We are seeing a large increase in the number of people with knee pain and is associated with a sedentary lifestyle (lack of movement) increased lately," says Sammy Margo, spokesperson for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, reports the Daily mail, Wednesday (21/11 / 2012).

By the researchers, this phenomenon is referred to as 'office knee' or 'knee office' to rival the term 'tennis elbow' or muscle pain in the elbow. Called tennis elbow because it affects many of the players, as well as office knee suffered by office workers who spent a lot of time sitting at the computer.

In addition to a lot of sitting, being overweight is also a scapegoat for the increase in cases of damage to the knee joint. Overload will give excess pressure on the joints anyway, so in the long run can lead to a type of arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Source:  Daily mail

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