Kamis, 29 November 2012

Types of Sex experienced by Persons Aged 20's Years

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)
Age 20-30 years of age who is very ideal for a wedding. In addition to the reproductive organs are mature enough, most people over the age of 20 years were also more psychologically mature. But most importantly, high sex drive is still being high.

Some studies suggest that couples in their 20s often conduct experiments in sex. Not only that, the frequency of sexual relations as well as of peak compared to middle-aged couples. Because often explore, partner of 20 years old have a whole range of sex.

As quoted by the Huffington Post, Thursday (11/29/2012), here are some types of sex are experienced people aged 20-something years:

1. Poor
When at the age of 20 years, real couples do not know exactly what she likes. In their efforts to seek out and explore the sex is good, sex sometimes affect disappointing. For example, have absolutely no idea what to do or even be too sensitive.

2. Comfortable sex
It is kind of sex are common and can be said to be standard. Sex is done when the evening when the pair after a day of activities or when bored. This kind of sex is usually not too burned into memory.

3. One Night Stand
This kind of sex can be said to be at risk and are more prevalent in large cities. One night stand sex refers only rapid, spontaneous and without commitment. It is therefore called a relationship just for one night.

4. Emotional Sex
There are times when sex was emotional to the point that someone was worried about what is really desired by the couple. As a result, he thought about how if it can not fulfill. If it does not work to satisfy your partner, she hopes hopefully enough love to make the couple feel happy.

5. Creative Sex
Called creative because it can be done anywhere, whether in the bathroom, hallway, car or even a deserted park. This experience is considered as adventurous and fun as possible an opportunity hard to do after the age of 30 years and over. This type of sex often requires sponitas.

6. Drunk sex
Sexual experience is usually even worse impact. When the influence of alcohol, lost consciousness and can actually result in risky sex. When I woke up the next day, this type of sex offender will not remember what he did last night. Moreover, alcohol is not a drug to increase sex stamina.

7. Sexs Friendship
This kind of sex is very complicated and may even affect remorse. Say there was a case of unrequited love or platonic love because people are estimated to have a family, but at some point there was an incident that led to sex. It is a condition that can be spelled gray. If not careful, it could ruin a friendship.

8. Focusing On Sex Lover
Sex is the embodiment of love and affection between two human beings. Sex can also be learned through experience with friends. But there are times when one partner is more passive and reluctant partner a lot of exploring sexuality. Sex should be a mutual process, so both partners can be happy together.

9. No Sex
There was a time when a person or couple is not having sex at all. In fact, everyone has tough times, become frustrated and fed up with life that really do not want to touch the sex. In fact, sex can actually be used as a recreation and avoid stress.

10. Make-Up Sex
Age of 20 years was also overwhelmed by the career and job that takes time, effort and thought. As a result, couples who both stressed so many odds and make the relationship so strained. Moments like these, sex can be a tension reliever natural medicine, is called the make-up sex.

11. Sex Justification
Each person would have experienced unrequited love. But over time, it's unrequited love sweet fruit. The idol of the heart turned out to be willing to live with, and had been refused when asked to hook up. In a way, this kind of sex seems to be a crowning achievement of the pursuit of love.

12. Sex for Once Again
Sometimes there are none so we love, but if you view it objectively, people actually make life so miserable. The relationship must be terminated, but not infrequently also later dropped in sex that is claimed for the last time. But in fact, there's sex. This kind of sex is often fruitful remorse.

13. Barter sex
Sex can be a powerful negotiating tool. Lets say a wife who wants to buy something by the husband, or the husband wants his demand, then the wife can give sex as a bargaining power that would act as desired husband and wife. In terms of popularity, win win solution.

14. Shocking sex
At the newlywed couple, sex was a shocking experience because it had never experienced before. This raises the unpleasant sensation excitement triggering the desire to do it more often. In other cases, it could be a widow or widower who finally found a sexual partner is more satisfying than the previous pair.

Source:  Huffington Post

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