Minggu, 25 November 2012

6 Things make it to not nodding off in the morning

(Photo: thinkstock)
Not easy to drive drowsiness in the morning, especially after you stayed up late finishing work late into the night. As much as possible minimize activity at night so you are not too tired in the morning and can ward off drowsiness with ease.

Good sleep and a refreshing morning routine body can make your day more vibrant and energized. As reported by the Reader's Digest, Monday (26/11/2012), this practice did 6 in the morning so that you do not nod off when leaving for work, namely:

1. Let the sunlight into the room
Let your room curtain halfway open when going to bed, so the sun rises bunch will hit you, and sends a signal to the brain to slow down the production of melatonin and increases the production of adrenaline, a signal that it is time to wake up.

So when the alarm goes off, you have to be in a state of half-awake. Go to bed early so that when you wake in the morning sun, you have time to sleep up to 7 hours as recommended. If you can maintain this routine, at bilologis you may be able to work better than an alarm clock.

2. Set the alarm 15 minutes early

This way, you do not need to rush out of bed due to a late start the routine of waking up in the morning and can move slowly. It is important to make you ready physically and mentally through the day.

3. Stretching the body, opening his eyes

Try to stretch for 15 minutes in bed before you even open your eyes. Lift your arms and start to stretch your fingers, hand, wrist, and arm. Then move on to other body parts such as fingers, feet, ankles, and feet.

Finish by stretching the neck and back that drive you get out of bed. It can stretch the muscles and joints and improve blood flow throughout the body so that all body tissues receive oxygen and ready to build.

4. Taking vitamin A

Drinking vitamin A can make you more excited and full of energy through the day.

5. Prepare for your purposes since the night

In order for you more relaxed morning, prepare and decide everything you need in a morning since that night, for example, what clothes you wear, what breakfast, which route would you take to go to work, and so on.

6. Brewing coffee

Caffeine in coffee is a stimulant that stimulates the central nervous system amphetamine, wake you up and increase muscle activity. One study even found that caffeine can increase happiness, tranquility, and more alert.

Source:  Reader's Digest

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