Jumat, 30 November 2012

Lazy Sexs Because Disappointed Body Shape? Overcome with 4 way This is

(Photo: Thinkstock)
At certain times, a person will feel disappointed with the shape of her body, whether it's because of excess weight or body shape no longer feel attractive and sexy. Though it may interfere with psychological sex life.

In particular, a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine looked at how men and women look at her when sex. This concept is known as cognitive distraction body appearance (body image cognitive impairment) during sex.

The study involved 660 participants who answered a few questions about their satisfaction with body shape while having sex, including satisfaction of the participants believed about how the couple saw her.

From there, researchers found that participants who were not satisfied with the shape of her body and was not happy with the condition of a particular body part body appearance is predicted to experience cognitive distraction during sexual activity.

Even for women, couples to form his opinions which he believed (eg 'He must think my stomach is too bloated or too small breasts') also negatively impact sexual confidence.

The problem, concerns about body shape it can have real impact on a person's ability to feel sexy. A survey in 2011 revealed that 52 percent of women claim to have less confidence on the body makes them reluctant to sex with a partner.

This was in line with previous studies showing that cognitive impairment may affect the sexual confidence, assertiveness (the ability to communicate what they want, feeling and thinking to others), arousal, satisfaction to orgasm.

"Concerns about body shape may reduce the frequency and the quality of sex. Because people do not feel attractive or sexy lovemaking tends to encourage lazy and refuse to offer it," said Justin Lehmiller, an expert in social psychology from Harvard University and a sex columnist.

But not to worry, consider the 4 surefire way to spice up your sex and frequency as quoted by CNN, Friday (11/30/2012) following.

1. Know exactly what makes you passionate and not

According to the concept of sexual response control (dual control model of sexual response), there are two things to note each partner before having sex. Both are commonly called the 'pedal' or what makes him passionate and 'brake' or what makes him reluctant to have sex.

'Pedal' sex fantasies one could be certain she likes, perfume partner or form a couple feet long and slender. While 'rem' it is fear can not please your partner or he was appalled by the shadow of the stomach or your hair is thinning.

"The good news, with attention and learn how to respond to the touch of your body then you can train 'brake' to be able to ignore your body image and other ideas that can inhibit the emergence of sexual arousal and orgasm," says sex educator, Emily Nagoski.

2. Listen to some music

Recent studies have revealed that music can help you ignore your body shape and increase sexual desire. Even other studies say 40 percent of people claim that music is more important to increase sexual desire rather than physical appearance or even touch mate.

The study, sponsored music site Spotify's music was also recommended musicians like Marvin Gaye, Barry White or the Kings of Leon as the top choices to encourage your lovemaking.

3. Encourage confidence slowly

Although visual stimuli proved to be more easily added to one's sexual desire, but it could be a 'brake' for those who feel themselves less attractive.

"Begin by dimming the room light, then try using a particular scent that makes you feel sexy or lingerie to cover body parts that make you worry. When you feel it's comfortable, slowly release your lingerie and enjoy intimate activity," said Levine.

4. Size it umpteen numbers

Several studies have shown that many men are not satisfied with the size of his penis, while women busy worrying about the size of her breasts. "The truth is that most men claim to be happy-happy with the size of the breast partner, and vice versa. In other words, many people are worried about their appearance for no apparent reason," said Lehmiller.

In fact the biggest sex organ is the human brain. Moreover, to reduce anxiety because of the form of the abdomen, buttocks or breast size, someone just needs his brain to make such a suggestion.

In the same way, the brain will transfer anxiety to further the dialogue with a partner or bring sexy sexual fantasy you need to revitalize your sex.

Source:  CNN

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