Kamis, 29 November 2012

Worms in China Considered Nutritious, Price Equals 10 Kg Rice

(Photo: thinkstock)
In China, a kind of worm is considered as nutritious and valued equal to 10 kg of rice. In fact there is a worm that utilizes traditional medicine. Hmm....

A type of worm that is believed to be the unnamed high protein and good for the growth of children. In addition to increasing appetite, nutrient content in the worm is believed to increase endurance or immune system.

Some people eat them Ningbo in Zhejiang Province by frying, others crushed by then become powder. Unlike the usual disgusting worm, this worm reportedly has a smell and taste delicious when cooked.

Worms that ranged between 8-9 cm in length that live in the roots of bushes in Chinese called Yunshi, or in Caesalpinia decapetala Latin. In the past, a worm is often exchanged with 10 kg of rice and the current price of each tail can reach 100 yuan, or about Rp 155 thousand.

Efficacy worm is quite popular as a supplement or food supplements among the elderly in China. Even an expert on agriculture, Yao Yanhong, recognize the benefits to be gained from eating worms.

"The science of traditional Chinese medicine to know that it contains that are curative (healing) in the worm that when cooked smells and tastes good," said Yao was quoted as saying Shanghaidaily, Friday (11/30/2012).

When people hear the word worm, then immediately thought usually is that parasitic worms can cause malnutrition. Pinworm worms, tapeworms, roundworms and flatworms including parasitic worms that are 'robbing' child nutrition.

Source:  Shanghaidaily

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