Minggu, 25 November 2012

Wow, Maintain Mustache Can Reduce Risk of Skin Cancer

(Photo: thinkstock)
Although some are not like, mustache on a man to make her look more 'manly' and authoritative. In fact according to the study, whiskers can also reduce the risk of skin cancer. Wow, going to many who want to be 'Mr. Moustache'.

Research that links between whiskers and skin cancer at the University of Southern Queensland. In this study, the scientists compared the radiation exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin of the man with the mustache and the mustache is not.

The logic used by the scientists is quite simple, that is getting thicker mustache or facial hair or other fine hairs on the face of the exposure to UV rays causes skin cancer will be less to reach the skin. Of course, these effects only apply in the enclosed part mustache or beard.

In addition to thickness, length of whiskers also affect the protective effect or protection against UV radiation, which mostly comes from the sun. The longer whiskers and other fine hairs on the face, the lower the risk of skin cancer in the part covered.

However, these findings remains to be investigated further. As quoted by News.com.au, Monday (11/26/2012), many unanswered questions in the study, among others, whether the protective effect against UV rays can also apply for a fake mustache or just put her finger up her nose.

Apart from these studies, long whiskers and cancer associated with each other. Not as a pair of cause and effect, but rather in conjunction with a campaign to sensitize prostate cancer danger conducted every November.

In many countries, in November designated as prostate cancer awareness month is symbolized by the so called Movember mustache aka Moustache November (November mustache). As long as there is no direct connection between mustaches and cancer, just a symbol for prostate and mustache were both identical with men.

Source:  News.com.au

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