Selasa, 27 November 2012

Beware, The shape of the body such as apple fruit

The body shape apple vs pear shape body
We have a similar body shape to the shape of the fruit. Were mostly found in the people of Indonesia are apple shape and pear.

Beware if you have a body shape like apples. Normally, the body shape has waist size equal to or greater than the hips.

"Usually hoard fat around the stomach more, that looks much like an apple. While a pear body shape have a tendency to fat around the hips and thighs," said dr. Emilia E. Achmadi, nutrition specialist, recently.

Having a body like an apple is considered more dangerous than a pear body. Not only have the problem of obesity, the owner of an apple body also at high risk of diabetes, cancer to heart disease.

Fat concentrated in the abdomen can suppress the body's vital organs and increase the fat in the bloodstream. In the end, the deposition of fat in the abdomen is also triggered increased levels of bad cholesterol and blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

(various sources)

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