Rabu, 28 November 2012

Gosh! This girl's nose holes punctured screwdriver

(dok. rex feat)
With a body frail, vulnerable children in an accident due to trivial items that may exist in the vicinity. Just as the boy from Tianshui, Gansu Province, China named Jiali this. As a result of an accident, the bottom of his nose being holes by a screwdriver punctured.

At that time, this 4-year-old girl was visiting her grandmother's house and all of a sudden out of nowhere he was holding a screwdriver in his hand. A few moments later Jiali slipped and fell over the position of the face that fell first. The problem is these conditions that encourage utensil stuck his hand into the nose.

Not only that, the pressure was so strong when Jiali fall, the screwdriver into the nose through a hole left and pinned just below his left eye socket he almost lost his mind made ​​Jiali.

The boy was immediately rushed to the hospital and underwent a series of irradiation with X-rays and CAT scans to see if any permanent damage has been caused by the accident.

But since it was lodged strong screwdriver and position very close to the brain Jiali, a team of doctors was not sure if the screwdriver can be revoked or removed without causing serious damage and long-term Jiali.

Lucky this is not the first time the chief surgeon Yu Qin moving a home furnishings from a child's face. The doctor was finally able to handle Jiali after this poor boy had to move from two hospitals before. Because the staff at two hospitals previously felt unable to deal with the injury suffered by Jiali.

"The two previous hospital did not know what they should do to cope with the condition Jiali. They claimed to have never seen conditions like this before," said a source.

Even so, Dr Qin was still worried. "The distance is only 2-3 millimeters from the bottom of his skull. Though this condition is dangerous," he said as quoted by the Daily Mail, Thursday (11/29/2012).

But with kelihaiannya, Dr Qin managed to pull out the screwdriver while keeping the face of the little girl.

Source:  Daily Mail

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