Kamis, 29 November 2012

After Age 2 Years, Human Brain Grow Only 50 Gram

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)
Humans reached an advanced civilization by utilizing his intelligence. Thus, the function of the brain as a source of intelligence obviously very important for the progress of civilization. Interestingly, the brain undergoes remarkable development only when the 2 years since birth.

"There are two important processes in the first 2 years of life. Namely growth of brain cells that occurs soon after fertilization and maturation of brain function," said Dr. Dwi Putro Widodo SpA (K), child neurologist Pondok Indah Hospital in media gathering held Mead Johnson The Maestro Function Hall, Plaza Indonesia, Thursday (11/20/2012).

Dr Dwi said that brain cells communicate with other brain cells through connections called synapses. At birth, each baby's brain cells has 2,500 synapses. But when he was 2-3 years old, sinapsisnya increased to 15,000 connections per brain cells.

These synapses very important role in connecting brain cells. The more brain cells are connected, the better the brain functions. In terms of weight, the brain also increased rapidly as the baby. When born, the baby's brain weight is about 300 grams.

"Weighing it continued to increase rapidly until reaching the age of 2 years, which is about 1200 grams. Whereas the adult human brain is about 1250 grams. But if males can weigh up to 1,400 grams. Means that after 2 years, the human brain is only a slight increase about 50 grams, "explained Dr. Dwi.

Dr Dwi explained the baby's brain growth is influenced by three main things, namely genetic factors, nutrition and experience. Of these three factors, genetic factors are the most difficult to change. Therefore, optimizing the baby's brain growth can only be done through the provision of good nutrition and adds to the experience.

Good nutrition for baby's brain development can be obtained from DHA (docosahexanoic acid). These nutrients are found mainly in milk and fish such as salmon. To provide early infant experience, do stimulation through simple games.

Source:  Maestro Function Hall

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