Rabu, 28 November 2012

Lamp blue color, repellent sleepiness coffee substitutes that do not use beser

(Photo: thinkstock)
Proved the most potent coffee to ward off drowsiness. But the side effects of coffee are less favored because it makes the car drivers beser and must often stop looking for the toilet. Alternatively, pair blue lights in the cabin.

Scientists at Universite Bordeaux Segalen recently proven blue lights as potent as the effects of caffeine in coffee in ousting sleepiness. Obviously without beser or frequent urination as happened after drinking coffee.

The findings are expected to inspire the design of the car or vehicle safer in the future. By entering the blue light as part of the interior design of modern cars, the number of accidents caused by drowsy drivers are expected to be reduced.

Experiments on 48 drivers who cover a distance of 400 km shows, the error rate is reduced thanks to the driver who made ​​the blue light. Violation of road markings done 15 times by drivers who are exposed to blue light, 13 times the driver who drink coffee and 26 times on drivers who do not get anything.

Research published in the journal PLoS ONE this proves that the color blue can improve alertness by stimulating the ganglion cells of the retina. Quoted from the Daily Mail, Thursday (11/29/2012), the cells are found in the layers of the retina located at the back of the eyeball.

Retinal ganglion cells are also connected with the nerves of consciousness. Therefore, it can induce the secretion or release menungkatkan melatonin, a hormone that makes people be awake and stay alert all night.

Various previous studies showed that a third of the victims of road accidents related to drowsiness. Because of drowsiness, the driver could lose alertness, reflexes and the ability of visual perception in the sense of vision decreases.

Source:  Daily Mail

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