Senin, 26 November 2012

Cheek this boy swelling is not normal from birth because of a rare disease

Katie Renfroe and family (dok. dailymail)
Paxton, Florida, really unfortunate fate of Katie Renfroe. Since I was in the womb, this kid has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. Now some parts of the face, such as the cheeks and lips, should swell abnormally.

Katie Renfroe (4 years) diagnosed with megalencephaly before he was born. This condition causes some abnormal facial features become.

To be able to change her life, the little girl who was born with a rare genetic disorder must perform a series of operations. From infancy, he even has lifted some of the brain to control seizures that occur up to 50 times a day.

"All we know is giving love and attention. We never treat it as having the disorder," said his mother Angie Renfroe, a native of Paxton, Florida, as reported by the Daily Mail, Monday (26/11/2012).

Katie is the daughter of the sixth pair Angie and Danial Renfroe. In the first trimester, doctors have seen anomalies in the ultrasound. According to her mother, her head is oddly shaped in the womb.

At 3.5 months of pregnancy, the obstetrician said that her head enlarged three times greater than normal fetuses. He also told the name of a rare disorder that affects how Katie and later life.

Katie finally born by Caesar at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, on January 28, 2008. Angie could not remember how the process of labor, but saw his daughter with 'big cheeks and beautiful'.

With increasing age, the greater Katie's cheek. Extra skin on his cheeks began to appear black spots. Not just cheek, lower lip looked swollen to the size of the tongue that does not comply with his mouth.

Katie abnormal ear shape and he has a hearing loss. Since brain surgery, she no longer has seizures, but the muscles become tight, causing stiffness that makes him 'roll' on one side.

Lucky, though born with abnormalities in the body, she lived with a large family who loved her very much. During Thanksgiving, her sisters entertained with face painting.

"I am thankful for my family, my children, no matter how naughty they are sometimes. I still love them. I strongly believe, if God gives you something, never throw it away," added his mother, Angie.

Source:  Daily Mail

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