Senin, 25 Februari 2013

7 Natural ingredients for cough reliever

7 Natural ingredients for cough reliever

In this uncertain season, the sound of people coughing always sounds anywhere, in the office, around the house, at the train station, on public transportation, and many places again.

You do not want to be disturbed prolonged cough? Overcome with this traditional ingredients. Besides being more secure, it also does not make drowsiness. Please select the ingredients you like best.

1. Take 250 grams of pumpkin and a little sugar. Boiled with two cups of water (glass size starfruit), until cooked. Drink water until coughing subsides.

2. Take 2 ripe noni fruit, washed then shredded. Add 2 tablespoons of boiled water, 1 teaspoon vinegar, and a little salt. Squeeze this mixture with a clean cloth. Drink water as much as 2 tablespoons, three times a day.

3. Take 1 tablespoon lime juice, mixed with a little soy sauce, and drink. Drink this mixture three times a day.

4. Take half the ginger rhizome, washed, crushed, then boiled with 2 cups water about 30 minutes. Drink water 2-3 times a day. Every time you drink much as 1 cup.

5. Take 15 pieces of betel leaves, washed, then boiled with 5 cups of water, until the water just half. Add lump sugar according to taste and after cold is filtered. Drink this mixture 3 times a day, much as 1 cup every time you drink.

6. Take 10 fruit wuluh starfruit, wash and then finely ground. Add 2 tablespoons of salt water, then knead. Filter this herb, and drink the water. Apply 2 times a day.

7. Take 10 grams of ginger, 6 stalk spring onion and radishes half. Wash clean all ingredients, crushed ginger, spring onion and radish cut into pieces. Boiled all ingredients with two bowls of water, until the water remaining in the bowl. Drinking the water at once.

Hopefully useful for you...
Thank you..

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