Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Color tongue can indicate health problems, check here

Color tongue can indicate health problems, check here
A healthy tongue is usually colored pink flushing, although some people have a tongue with a red-and-white geometric patterns. But the tongue can also change the color if your health problems.

Note the color changes the following tongue to be wary of certain diseases which underlying, as reported by allyou, among others:

1. Black tongue
The tongue that is colored black, usually caused because someone taking drugs containing the active ingredient bismuth subsalicylate, because can discolor the tongue. But it can also occur because of diabetes, use of antibiotics or bad oral health and cause the tongue dark colored.

2. Tongue bright red
When the tongue changed color becoming bright red, you may be deficient in folate and vitamin B12. So make sure that you have been eating or taking a multivitamin that contain these nutrients.

But if the change in color of the tongue is accompanied by pain and swelling so that cause difficulty eating or speaking, you may experience glossitis, which is an inflammatory condition that can be caused by infection, allergic reactions, dehydration and other problems. Check to the doctor for determine the underlying cause.

3. White patches on the tongue and part the walls of the mouth
This can be caused due to thrush or oral yeast infection, which is easy overcome with using prescription medication. If the white patches in the mouth persist for more than 2 weeks, contact your doctor immediately.

White patches that survive for weeks can indicate cancer or cancerous lesions are dangerous.

4. Tongue and lips slightly pale
This may be a sign of anemia, which means you deficiency of red blood cells. There are many causes of various types of anemia, including heavy menstrual periods, fibroids and even because take a aspirin or ibuprofen too much .

So you need to check yourself to the doctor for identify the underlying problems before you try to treating this problem own with supplements.

5. The tongue slightly slimy
If the tongue a little slimy greenish or yellowish could be a sign that your immune system is fighting infection, flu virus, or any other, especially if you also have symptoms such as fever, cough or pain. Check to the doctor if this condition persists.

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