Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Sexual problems that threaten obese men

Sexual problems that threaten obese men
(Photo: ThinkStock)
Obesity is not just threatening the health of a person. Sexual problems could also threaten men with obesity. Therefore take good care of your body weight in order not to exceed the limit ideal.

As is often heard, excess weight and obesity make men more maybe to develop type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and other health problems.

From a psychological standpoint, these men often feel uncomfortable with her body so it has a lower self-esteem, anxiety, depression and other emotional disorders.

Barriers to social, psychological and coupled with biological factors directly could be factors that cause sexual problems, especially those related with erection. Erection on men resulting from increased blood flow in the penis, whereas to maintain an erection of the penis then the depends a healthy circulatory system. If it is disturbed by social factors psychological or biological, a man is difficult to achieve an erection.

The threat of new impotence can be a strong motivation for men who are overweight to undergo lifestyle different with involving regular exercise and a healthy diet. It is not only important for the life and health of the man himself, but also improve her sex life with a partner.

Then, whether you are obese? There is an easy way to find out. If a man stood up and could not see his genitals, then it already sign of obesity. A recent survey revealed one-third of men in England aged 35-60 years are not can see their own genitals caused by a protruding belly, also known as beer belly.

This survey conducted on 1000 men which aims encouraging people to do health checks so that could save lives, and realize the dangers of obesity. "Take off your clothes last stand up straight and look down towards the penis. If you can not see it, you are obese," says Dr Johan du Plessis, as quoted by Medindia.

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