Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Baby crying because anger, fear or sick? This ways distinguish it

Baby crying because anger, fear or sick? This ways distinguish it
(Photo: thinkstock)
Babies communicate with adults in a way to cry, because that's all he can. Distinguishing crying with anger, fear or pain is not easy or even nearly impossible. Fortunately, a research trying to search a instructions it.

"Crying is a baby's primary means for can communicate negative emotions and in most cases is the only way to be able to express it," said Mariano Choliz, researchers from the University of Valencia as reported by Medical Xpress.

Together with his colleagues, Choliz try to observe differences in the pattern of crying 20 infants aged 3-18 months due to three main emotions, namely fear, anger and sick. Researchers also looked at the ability of adults to recognize the emotional causes of baby crying.

In a report published Spanish Journal of Psychology, researchers found that the  way to distinguish there on the eye movements and intensity of babies cries. Unfortunately, most adults difficulty for recognizing baby cries that caused by anger and fear. 

"Although it can not recognize the cause with true, babies crying because of the pain will cause affective reactions are more intense than when crying because anger or fear," said Choliz.

According to researchers, the pain most easily recognizable because crying is a warning of a threat to the health or survival. Therefore, crying because of pain requires an immediate response from the caregiver or adult.

When the baby cries, happened much tension in the forehead muscle, eyebrows and lips that make the mouth open and cheeks lifted. As for the difference in the pattern displayed by the baby when crying because 3 negative emotions such as:

1. Crying because anger
When angry, most babies will make her eyes half closed, could while searching to certain direction or do certain movements. Her mouth is open or half open and the intensity his scream the more toned.

2. Crying because fear
When fears, the baby's eyes open almost all the time. In addition, sometimes babies showed a sharp gaze and moving her head backward. Her screams the more boomed if her fears is increasing.

3. Crying because sick
When feeling sore or painful, the baby's eyes continue closed. His eyes were open just for a few moments and stare long-distance. Babies also show a bit of tension in the eyes and frowned. Cries direct began in the maximum intensity immediately after being exposed the cause of pain or illness.

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