Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Not want jaw damaged? Chew food on both sides

Not want jaw damaged? Chew food on both sides
(Photo: thinkstock)
Some people have a habit of chewing food with teeth the right side only, or the left side only. Dentists recommend in order to teeth in both used to chew, because if not then the risk of jaw can be damaged.

Chewing just with one side only, usually triggered by a habit from childhood. It could also be caused by interference on one side of the tooth, so it is not convenient to chew. The impact is the same, which is equally harmful in the long run.

"For example, on one side of his teeth hurt or perforated. He will search a bites that is felt comfortable. If on the right side the perforated, then the left side that is used to eat," drg Day Sunarto, SpPerio (K), Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Periodontology (fiery) Commissariat Jakarta , in a media event at the Hotel Grage Pepsodent trip Sangkan, Kuningan, West Java, as quoted on Friday (02/22/2013). 

One of the sides that is not used for chewing finally do not function. According to Harry drg, when chewed food will just stick in the row of teeth that are not functioning it. Not happened friction between the teeth with food so that no effect of self-cleansing or cleaning myself.

Certain foods such as apples and yam which have the texture hard and fibrous is a type of food that has the effect of cleaning teeth when rubbing against with the teeth when chewed. Teeth that are not used for chewing will not get this effect, so that faster overgrown with plaque as well as debris or in food scraps.

Not only that, teeth on one side that is not used for chewing will also affect the muscles of cheek that move the jaw. Parable only, arm muscles or other body muscles, when not in use so long will be weakened.

"It was later the defeat at the joints, open the mouth like can not closed again. Or there are sound 'clicking' when we open our mouths, jaws holded there is a sound crackle-crackle," drg said Harry.

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