Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Parents who favoritism, Affect on mental health the whole family

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock
Do not differentiate affection for your children. Psychological adverse effects not just affect children who are less favored only, compared with children who more spoiled, but the effect on the mental health of all family members.

Researchers from the University of Toronto, McMaster University, and the University of Rochester conducted a research studying the effect of parental attitudes favoritism among his children with mental health the whole family. The results are published in the journal Child Development.

"It is really shocking, which all people just assumed that the effects of favoritism in the family just felt by children who are less fortunate only," said Jenny Jenkins, author of the study.

The researchers conducted a study of 400 families in Canada, who each have 2 to 4 children aged an average of 2 to 5 years. Previous research conducted with examining differences in the way parenting children that is focused on a family with 2 children only.

Researchers found that children who less get compassion or get treated a little differently from his siblings, more may to experience mental health problems from the time to time than his brother who got better treatment.

But the researchers also found that adverse effects on mental health are also perceived by his other siblings in the family. Families who favoritism towards her children, tend to have children who are easy to experience mental health problems than other families are more equitable in sharing an affection.

Mental health problems mainly include attention problems, and problems with social relationships. Researchers also analyzed risk factors what only that became the reason parents favoritism toward her children, such as single parents, low income, and a history of drug abuse or alcohol.

Optimal childcare may be difficult to achieve if the family is faced with a various risk factors, such as poverty, mental diseases, and a history of childhood experience less enjoyable.

"Parents must know the best way for prevent that you do not compare between one child with another child. This can triggers feelings biased to the child who more in achievement or more obedient than the other his brother," said Jenkins, as written NaturalNews.

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