Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Tricks and Tips Healthy Shopping For Women

Tricks and Tips Healthy Shopping For Women
Healthy shopping
When shopping, do you baskets filled with fruits and vegetables? Or full of drinks and snacks that do not provide many nutrients? Your health and family depending on what you buy. Here are some tips for a healthy and efficient in the shop.

As a parent, you should know what healthy food should be given to children. When going shopping is an important step in this process. Items that you input in the cart week after week can affect health and children's attitudes towards food nutrition.

First prepare the shopping list will make you not tempted, especially if planning to buy food for a full week. Focus on a healthy menu during the week, nutritious ingredients such as fruits and vegetables fresh and frozen chicken and meat without fat, fresh fish, wheat and low-fat products can be selected.

Well, in order to do not be tempted when shopping underline the following points in mind you:

* Eat fruits and vegetables every day.
* Limit consumption of juice.
* As much as possible, use of vegetable oils and margarines which is low in saturated fats and trans-fat acids than butter that contains animal fat.
* Increase consumption of wheat than cereals and pasta.
* Reduce the use of sugar and sugary drinks.
* Use milk products, non-fat or low-fat every his day.
* Eat a lot more fish, especially fish that in steamed or baked.
* Reduce salt.

You probably already know that fruits and vegetables must be purchased. Here are some other foods that could be a consideration:

* Fish and Nuts: The fish is fresh or frozen fish (including canned fish such as tuna and salmon), chicken and turkey without skin, cow meat without fat. Other options include soy products, nuts, and seeds.
* Wheat and cereals: wheat bread, pasta, cereal: oatmeal.
* Milk and Eggs: non-fat milk products and low-fat, including milk, yogurt, cheese, cream cheese.

If you shopping in the foodstuffs store, focus on hallways were usually contain healthy foods, dairy products, and meats as well fresh fish. Then moved to the hallway where you can find essential items such as vegetables and fruits frozen or canned, cereals, sauces, and inventories materials cake maker.

But on the hallway it, there are also products ready eating and snacks that are more expensive but less nutritious. By visiting this hall at the end of the shopping, you can reduce the opportunity to buy and take the food it. It also can prevent you do extra spending.

If possible, it will be better if you can visit the traditional market to obtain products that are more fresh. that needs remember, if you decide to shopping, notice when will the season fruits and your favorite vegetables for sale. Buying products that are in season not only make it taste more delicious but also so much cheaper prices. But try not to buy it over, so that the product still can be used in good condition.

When selecting and storing food is also important. If you do not choose own, how do you know if the product it is fresh? For vegetables for example, choose one that looks fresh and brightly colored. Most vegetables such as this will be more crisp taste. If choose fruits, avoid which already seen bruises, but remember not all fruit that looks good to have a good quality anyway.

Be careful in storing food makes it hold much longer. Most vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator during 2-5 days. Even some vegetables such as carrots can be stored much longer. For canned foods do not forget to note also the expiration date.

So, are you ready to change your shopping style? With the above tips do not just family keep healthy with nutritious food, shopping also became more efficient.

Hopefully useful for you who read it...
thank you..

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