Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

If Want Healthy, Consume Fruit Before Eating

(Photo illustration: thinkstock)
Fruit is often regarded as a dessert so it is more common consumed after a big meal. But if you want a healthy body, you should consume the fruit before eating. Why?

It is true that fruits are healthy foods because rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. But unfortunately, many people misunderstood and often eat fruit after a big meal. Whereas it is can cause digestive problems.

Fruits is recommended to be consumed 20-30 minutes before a big meal. The main reason because fruit contains sugar. When you consume fruit immediately before and after a big meal, then it takes a longer time for the digestive system for digesting.

In addition to these reasons, there are a few other things to note about how the consumption of fruits, as reported by Boldsky, among others:

1. Consume fruit before a meal can help you lose weight. When you consume them after eating, it takes about 3 hours to digest. Therefore, consume the fruit 20-30 minutes before eating.

2. Because the body does not get any food for 8-9 hours during sleep, then it is recommended to consume fruit every morning before breakfast. This way will help improve blood sugar levels in the body. Eating fruit is a gentle way to start your day.

3. Avoid consuming fruit as a side dish of food. Likewise, eating the fruit as a dessert will not give the best results for your body, moreover when mixed with a salad high in sugar or ice cream.

4. Avoid consuming canned fruit, frozen fruit or fruits that are processed such as juice. Fruits such as these usually contain more sugar, preservatives or other chemical additives that are dangerous for the body.

5. Eating healthy fruits every morning on an empty stomach (before breakfast), helps the body to absorb all the essential nutrients required and are found in fruits.

Hopefully useful for you...

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