Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Do this trick, so spirit at the time waking in the morning

Do this trick, so spirit at the time waking in the morning
(Photo: ThinkStock)
Not a few people who need a long time until can actually wake up in the morning. Even so there are some things you can do to evoke the spirit in the morning.

The experts reveal the first hour after waking up is a very important and can determine how you will run later today, could be fun or it sucks.

For it is an important key in the morning is to have positive thinking, focus with what will be done, stamina, moving and eating the right foods. Here are tips you can do to arouse your stamina in the morning, as quoted from Timesofindia, namely:

1. Consumption of energy drinks
After a sleepless night, the body is dehydrated so it is necessary to fill the liquid back in the morning. Consuming a glass of warm water mixed with honey or lemon juice can raise the spirit.

If it is not accustomed to eating honey or lemon juice, then drink a glass of warm water when the morning can also provide benefits. This is because if the lost fluid are not replaced can cause mild dehydration can affect physical and mental.

2. Do not press the button snooze alarm
Before going to bed predict at what time you can wake up after the alarm sound. Most people will hit the snooze button when the alarm goes off, it can make people so stressed and anxious because he knew there was an alarm that will sound a few minutes later.

We recommend that you set the alarm for the time you know will can direct wake up, so that no need for postpone again or hit the snooze button every 10-15 minutes.

3. Viewing cheerful colors
See cheerful and bright colors when new open the eyes, good for you and can provide a positive effect for the body's energy. This cheerful colors can be given at room curtains, walls of the rooms, pillow or other objects that can increase adrenaline so that more passion.

4. Getting sunlight
The morning sunlight will help the body get the biological clocks for wake up. Experts say, sunlight in the morning is not dangerous such as daylight. So, try to sit in the patio or beside a window for get a sunlight while drinking coffee or tea and reading the newspaper.

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