Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Study: Men will longevity if his wife younger

Mappily married
Many found the men who marry women much younger than himself. The young woman does seem to be more interesting than is already old. One study found that pairs with a younger woman will make him live longer.

The study was conducted by researchers at the Max Plank Institute of Germany. The researchers looked at mortality data from 1990 to 2005 all citizens of Denmark. The results found that the chances a man for fast dies, is reduced by up to 20 percent if you have a spouse aged 15-17 years younger.

The risk of death of a husband whose age 7-9 years older was reduced up to 11 percent rather than the husband who has a couples of the same age. The increase in male life expectancy having a younger wife is allegedly caused because younger women will be more painstaking care of her husband.

Unfortunately, the effect of age difference is actually bad for women. The greater the age difference from her husband, age life expectancy by wife become lower. This relationship regardless of whether women younger or older of her husband.

In a study published the journal Demography, researchers found that women who marry men aged 7-9 years younger would increase the risk of death by 20 percent. Therefore, the researchers noticed that most women healthy, not attempt to chase men younger.

However, some studies have found that most women who more like with a man of the same age, but many of them instead ended married with older people. In the U.S., the average age of a husband is 2.3 years older than his wife.

"One possible explanation is that some women who have a couples with younger husbands considered to violate social norms and thus suffer from social sanctions," said the researcher, Sven Drefahl as reported by Medical News Today.

Because married with a younger husband, is considered to deviate from the normal assumption, this couple is considered as outsiders and less socially acceptable. This will make the wedding is less fun, stress and ultimately increase the risk of death.

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