Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

If separate beds, married couples will lose 3 this benefit

If separate beds, married couples will lose 3 this benefit
Most married couple choose to sleep in separate rooms while the time, when being involved in the fracas. The goal probably good because can mutual calm himself and think clearly, but it can be bad for his health.

"The husband and wife were sleeping separately (separate beds) is not a good choice to solve the problem and it even raises new problems for health," says Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D. a psychotherapist and author of the famous book 'Money, Sex, and Kids: Stops Fighting About the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage. "

As reported by Self, consider the benefits of healthy sleep together with couples following before deciding to separate beds:

1. Quality of sleep men will be better when sleeping with his wife
In a study published in the journal Sleep and Biological Rhythms, the researchers found that quality of sleep men, will be better when himself sleeping beside his wife. Whereas in women, this does not a big effect on the quality of his sleep.

Sleep quality was good can improve health of a person. If a husband and wife separate bedroom, then the her husband will lose the benefits of healthy.

2. Intimacy can be built in bed
Married couples need to think again if want separate beds, because it can lead to the loss of a moment of intimacy. The bed is not just a place to sleep, but also to enhance intimacy such as hugging or sex.

When couples wife has been long in separate beds, himself will experience awkwardness to turn back his sex life. Whereas a healthy sex can make a couple more bonded and offers a variety of health benefits.

3. Have more a lot time to communicate
After a day of work outside the home, you do not have a lot of time at home to discuss family problems or other things with couple. You can lose time at all to communicate which serious with your partner if you are sleep separately.

This can cause stress and in the long run will interfere with your health and your partner.

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