Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Know the body condition from location the emergence of acne

Know the body condition from location the emergence of acne
Acne can appear due to various causes, ranging from hygiene factors, food consumption up to because hormones. Apparently the location of acne on face or body can describe a person's health condition.

The appearance and location of the appearance of acne often describe the cause. With knowing the cause, the treatment can also be done with the right. However, in broad outline, action to overcome acne can with cleanse the body regularly, drink lots of water and eating patterns healthy.

As reported by the Body and Soul, the following is a guide to know the condition of the body from the location of the acne.

1. Cheek
The appearance of acne on the cheeks indicate the presence of food intolerances such as milk. To make sure, avoid milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, butter, chocolate and processed foods containing milk protein for a month to see whether there is improvements.

To replace nutrients that are supplied from the milk, make sure body consume enough protein and calcium from other sources such as nuts and seeds, tofu, green leafy vegetables and fish such as sardines and salmon.

2. Around the jaw, chest, back and shoulders
Acne in this section are likely triggered by hormones. Need time which relative a long time to overcome hormonal imbalance, usually starting from 4-6 weeks. Foods that contain zinc and vitamin B6 can help to balance hormones.

3. Chin
When acne appears on the part of chin, it means there is indigestion or constipation. Try overcome with drinking much water, exercising regularly and consume supplements rich in fiber.

4. A group of acne surrounded by the reddish color
If appear the acne such as this, can indicate the presence of local infection right below the skin. To overcome this problem, reduce intake of sugar. To reduce the desire to eat sweet foods, drink a supplements to improve sugar metabolism.

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