Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

It is that need attention, before schedule a time for sex

It is that need attention, before schedule a time for sex
Schedule a time for sex
Sex will be more great and the quality if the time is right. You need to know that during a month, there was a time when women are not ready for sex at all and there is also a time where sexual arousal on women increases.

As reported by the Self, note the periods experienced by women this every month so that you can schedule a great sex:

1. The first week (PMS): pleasant emotional side
At the time of entering the weeks period, women will experience a surge of hormones that make it easy to get angry and very sensitive. Men need to please a woman emotional side first before both can enjoy sex are delightful.

Sex before menstruation is known can reduce the severity levels of menstrual symptoms, such as stomach cramps.

2. The first week (Menstrual): build chemistry
Forget for a moment to doing sex when come month, switch to build chemistry or bonding with friends. According to a study in the journal PLoS ONE, romantic things such as romantic dinners, watching TV, or just talking were both, can increase intimacy between husband and wife outside sex relationships.

It can strengthen relationship between the both and beneficial is good for long-term sexual life.

3. The second week (pre-ovulatory): lose weight
When menstruation ends, a woman will experience the pre-ovulation which increases estrogen levels. At this time, she will be easier to burn fat with exercising than other weeks, according to the journal Current Opinion in Pharmacology.

The moment this is good for women who want to lose weight and get back a slim body. Women will feel more confident in front of her husband at the time in the bedroom with a beautiful body.

4. The second week (Ovulation): the right time to great sex
Ovulation is the time where the ovary releases an egg ready to be fertilized by sperm. When a woman ovulates his sexual arousal will increases, so that do sex relationships the intense during ovulation days be felt more fun than the other days.

"At the time of ovulation, women will be more assertive while men would be more possessive," says Steven Gangestad, Ph.D., an evolutionary psychologist from the University of New Mexico. A study in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior also stated that a woman's sexual fantasies are going to skyrocket at day 13 after menstruation.

Opportunities of fertilization success was also very big at this time, so the husband and wife who want to have children, doing sex at this time is very important.

5. Third and fourth Sunday (Preparing menstruation): increase the stimulus
After going through the time of ovulation, estrogen levels are still high but hormone progesterone also will increase. This makes women need a lot more the stimulus, in order can enjoy sex relationships.

According to a study in the International Journal of Endocrinology show that increased progesterone levels make women more easily tired. Men need to provide additional the stimulus, for example in the form of massage at once to dispel feel tired and ready for sex.

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