Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Healthy Carbohydrates from Nuts Prevent Colorectal Cancer

The carbohydrate foods that this during feared could lead to weight gain and other diseases, it was not all bad. A study showed that healthy carbohydrates can help fight colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that attacks the large intestine (colon) and anus (rectum). Researchers from the University of Colorado stated that carbohydrates can help fight colorectal cancer, with a very simple yet effective at the cellular level.

At the time of the carbohydrate foods up to the intestine, the composition does not change much such as when food is in the mouth.

Foods that contain healthy carbohydrates such as peas, other beans, bananas, and rice that is digested slowly. In addition, these foods also contain fiber which is good for help treat ulcerative colitis that can lead to colorectal cancer.

"Food carbohydrates and contain fiber at once, can kill pre-cancerous cells in the gut when eaten at room temperature," says Janine Higgins, PhD, researcher and professor at the University of Colorado School, as written by Emaxhealth.

In addition, in studies found on mice, healthy carbohydrates is also able to prevent inflammation by promoting the formation of long chain fatty acids in the intestine. Higgins and his team found that foods such as nuts can reduce the number and size of the cancer lesions in rats.

Healthy carbohydrates in food can also help control blood sugar levels, providing energy to the body and help with weight loss. Reduce consumption of protein from animal fats and adding more fruits, vegetables, and nuts to keep the gut healthy and prevent DNA damage that leads to colorectal cancer.

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