Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Avoid 7 disease on people who work in this office

Avoid 7 disease on people who work in this office
An office workers would struggling with his work on the desk all day. It can be bad for your health, because various diseases can be triggered by a lack of physical activity during work in offices.

Here are 7 health problems that often interfere office workers as well as ways to alleviate it, as reported by iVillage, among others:

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock
1. Body posture is bad and neck pain

Sitting position which bends when working can lead to body posture is bad. The seats were not can give a good back rest on the head can also cause tension, neck pain and headaches.

It is often triggered because the screen position that is too low of a view straight in the eye. Doing movement stretches neck to prevent neck strain with tilting your ear to shoulder and hold him for 30 seconds on each side.

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock
2. A pinched nerve

This is caused because pinched nerve neck that extends to the arms and hands and also trapped in the chest muscles that crosses the shoulder joint. This can cause hand and your arm is numbness. Prevent pinched nerves with doing some stretching every 30 to 45 minutes.

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock
3. Carpal tunnel syndrome

If you type with arm position slightly tilted upwards, this can increase the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome, the disease in the wrist due to repetitive stress. To avoid this, wrists and hands should be parallel to the floor or slightly lowered.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause strain up to on the wrist pain. Overcome this with stretching motion, place your hands in front with palms facing up, and with the other hand, take your finger and drag it down to stretch the back of the hand.

PhotoIllustration / Thinkstock
4. Lower back pain

Lower back pain often affects people who sit all day or are less supportive seat lumbar curve or the lower back. You can prevent back pain by doing simple movements in work table.

Begin with positioning one foot forward and the other leg bent knee to the ground until your knees are at a 90 degree angle towards leg is straight forward. This position can support the spine posture. You could also try doing movement stretches in the middle of a job.

PhotoIllustration / Thinkstock
5. Stress, anxiety and lack of motivation

Lack of physical activity because the whole day sitting at the desk can cause mental health problems such as stress and anxiety, which in turn can lead to reduced motivation and reduce production of work.

Once in a while, get up from the seating and walk around the office for a while to loosen the muscles. Go to the cafeteria during the lunch break using the stairs besides the elevator to pump the blood and help relieve stress.

PhotoIllustration / Thinkstock
6. Headache and sleep disorders

Stress and anxiety related to work problems often trigger headaches and cause sleep disturbance, and vice versa lack of sleep can trigger a headache. All you need to do is overcoming stress and eliminate other factors in the office that may be cause headaches.

Do not skip your lunch, drink more white water, and avoid the habit of smoking in order to stress does not grow worse and cause headaches. When the pressure of the job began to interfere with your mind, relieve with taking a deep breath and hold it up to a few seconds and then release.

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock
7. eyes are tired

Fortunately, the work which force you every day staring at a computer screen can not damage your eyes permanently. However, this can cause eyes to become dry and tired so it will make you easy fatigue when working.

In order for your work even more friendly with the eye, experts recommend to putting your computer at a distance of 50 to 66 cm from the eye. Location of computer screen should also be slightly lower from the view straight in the eye and adjust lighting (contrast) so as not to dazzle eye.

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