Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Appears spots unusual on the skin? Beware, 4 skin problems that is dangerous this

Appears spots unusual on the skin? Beware, 4 skin problems that is dangerous this
Beware of spots or patches unusual and suddenly appear on the surface of your skin. Some types of spots or patches that is abnormal, may be a sign development of skin cancer or other skin problems are more serious.

Not normally spots or patches depends on the size, shape, and location of growth. Doctor will probably doing minor surgery that requires some stitches to search for signs of cancer cells.

If there are no traces of cancer in the tissue samples, mean spots or freckles on the skin are not dangerous. But if the freckles like moles start growing and increasingly widespread, immediately check back to the doctor.

As reported by the Self, beware of signs such as spots, splotches, and other skin problems that an abnormal are following:

1. Actinic keratosis
Actinic keratosis is caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun too much and can change the skin cells become abnormal. If not treated immediately, actinic keratoses this can become cancerous from time to time.

The most common form is actinic keratosis, characterized with scaly skin, rough skin surface, red colored, and oftentimes raises white colored crust or yellow meat. Actinic keratosis is usually found on the scalp, face, back, arms, chest, or other body that is sunburn.

Treatment and care, may include chemotherapy with creams and lasers, radiation or cryosurgery.

2. Basal cell carcinoma
It is a type of skin cancer is the most common and about 2.8 million cases of basal cell carcinoma are diagnosed each year. This condition is characterized with the formation of lumps amounting the pearl on the surface of the skin, which is pink colored, or reddish brown when dry.

Although rarely fatal, but if untreated, basal cell carcinoma this can damage skin tissue nearest and eventually attack the muscles, nerves and bones. Treatment and care, may include chemotherapy creams and lasers, radiation or cryosurgery, Mohs surgery and standard surgery.

3. Squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer is the second most common, where can be any color, looks hard, crusty, rough and scaly with a gaping edge. This condition can also develop from scars or burns.

Squamous cell carcinoma is more likely to migrate to the lymph nodes nearby. Care and treatment for this condition can be done with lasers, radiation or cryosurgery, Mohs surgery and standard surgery.

4. Melanoma
Melanoma is rarely happens, but this condition causes more than 75 percent of all skin cancer deaths. The cause of melanoma is because damage a result from the sunlight and genetics.

Melanoma can appear anywhere where often looks such as moles are flat or raised and black colored, brown or the colorful with edges that is jagged. Treatment for melanoma may include standard operations.

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